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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. I made my intro thread 2 months after joining So far you have been a lot of fun to talk to and I hope you stay around, if you were looking for a forum to pick from I think you picked the right one. This forum is full of very nice people and we all have fun playing, talking, and joking around with eachother. Just avoid the occasional jerks that join. You might be the first cosmetologist that I actually like. I hate when people cut my hair XP.
  2. I personally like the UNSC Shotty because it is a lot more powerful than the scatter shot. Disintegration is cool and all, but nothing to me compares to a good "clickclick BOOM"
  3. Welcome here. You should make a thread and tell us about yourself. I like your avatar btw.
  4. Just found that I am now "Looked Up To" For some reason that made my day.

    1. Ahsoka


      It's because you're a doctor.

  5. I think the shotgun works for the CQC as UNSC goes. They seem balanced.
  6. We have a lot of doctors on this forum now.

    1. Minuette


      Yep, my second used name is Doctor Adorable lol!

  7. That would be correct https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWUz-iXm_aQ humpstyles: 5 Forum Dinosaur: 3 Zaguroth: 3 Mrmajiggles: 2 SternuS: 2 DoctorB77: 1 Drestel313: 1 Liana: 1 Fiery Knight: 1 Chewin3: 1 Epic Announcer: 1 emeraldriver: 1 GrimmGirl: 1 AN JUSTICE4 ALL: 1 SykoWolf: 1
  8. Neither of you were correct. I will edit the text and see if that helps a little
  9. Go here for more information. Link : http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/20205-to-those-who-have-not-received-codes/
  10. Nope. It does not have very much to do with the story line.
  11. ok. Here you go. I am the warning I am the destroyer I am life and death Many have been saved by my message Many have died that were in my path Many deaths were stopped by my mark A combination of power and thrust will send me in any direction Hopefully you don't end up in my projection What am I?
  12. I am running 3 big threads and I can not spell submission correctly. I keep thinking it is "submition"

  13. To promote the new christmas tree on the forum and to get in the mood I decided to change my avatar. I want to encourage members to participate in all of the winter activities on the forum and to have a great time. Happy Holidays Guys
  14. I agree withyou twin but I think that the people who come on here to "hate" do a couple of things other than just state an opinion. If somebody wants to give an opinion I think that it should be directly at the problem and that it not be an attack. So instead of there being a thread called... "343i You are stupid for including the boltshot" a.d their being some person who just says the bolt shot is super OP. 343 you are dumb to include it. I want it out and out now. They should instead give their opinion. Make a thread called "why I think the boltshot is OP." Then explain their opinion with facts and backup
  15. It is weird how many people have deleted their codes. This is the 4th thread I have seen where someone has done that.
  16. This sounds like it would be a blast. If only we could create something like this
  17. Heheh. We should all have a playdate on the 5th
  18. DoctorB77


    Go to www.halo.xbox.com and try to contact 343 directly. Also check your messages on XBL in case they send you one there.
  19. I would be a lot of fun. I think it should be included in the future.
  20. I guess I wish for something in game. To make my Spartan a little differant than the rest.
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