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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. What was the second most worn Halloween costume this year?
  2. Really? Blops2 isn't even out yet. That is a year between games. As fire said I HATE ACTIVISION!!!!!!! And LOLWUT Bill Murray?!?
  3. Don't? I hope that is a typo or that would be mean
  4. Last day as MoM Thanks again everyone.
  5. Having them shoot would be cool. They should not show up on radar to even it out.
  6. The point is that 343i would monitor stuff like this and fix problems. In a 1v1 I do not think they would allow power weapons It would also help less talented players such as myself get better.
  7. I think that unlockable nameplates would be cool. They could act as emblems and add even more customization to your spartan. I hope they are brought back in some form
  8. I like the vanguard helmet the most. It is not too tacky but looks cool. The recruit looks good as well but it looks as if it will be the default helmet. (Idk why but I ususually do not like defaults). The venator is awesome looking and I would use it but it will be overused by others like hayabusa was in halo 3.
  9. I personally am excited for this. It will be hard to accomplish right away, but with a lot of tweaking and minor edits, 343i can make the matchmaking games feel a lot more fast paced than they were before by adding these weapons. Shotguns also have a downside with Promethean vision. There will not be as much camping as there was before with this new way to detect others.
  10. I think that 343i has the ability to make a 1v1 gametype. 1v1 maps would not be a problem because of the forge options we have. In casde you did not know ordnance drops are not required and can be turned off to have normal slayer modes. IMO there is no reason not to have the gametype. If there are people who would enjoy playing it then 343i should try and make it. If you have anything against 1v1s then just don't play that playlist. Said above bagels said something about boosting. Making it a max party of one with no "partying up". I am sure 343i could make it work out well over all. So as said before... "why not?"
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdYynAtHX_g&feature=relmfu
  12. I am slipping into a depression. I have been looking forever and I can not find ANYWHERE to pre-order. I would do it from target, bestbuy, or any other store. But none have it. 343i should make some more!!!
  13. Looks gokd. I just wish you could remove all of the buildings.
  14. I am dissapointed that the hornet is not being included The dominion looks like it will be nice though. Overall i must say i am fairly dissapointed with forge. They did not due anything that extraordinary other than gravity zones.
  15. I am also dissapointed with the lack of unsc flying vehicles.
  16. Thanks a lot for the gameplay. I was really wanting to see more of this map. So far it looks amazing. I can not wait to play on it when the game is released in a few days.
  17. Thats good. I want to be able to stab people with my head
  18. I hope not and I would not think so. If they allow you to redeem the codes before hand then I would imagine that they would be prepared to make sure that you did get your matches. If not then a lot of people are going to be angry. Also. Welcome to the forum
  19. If we had an idea for the forum couldn't we just tell the moderators ourselves? I do not really understand the point of this thread...??? Could you explain what this is about a little more Hotdog?
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