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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. I am having a contest to see who can get the most codes, just send your codes to me before you enter them so i can confirm they are real.
  2. Campaign 9/10 War Games 10/10 Customs 8/10 Forge 11/10 I also hope to work on a machinima so theater as well. Some good fans who attend gaming events really have affected 343i in decisions they have made. But overall 343 is taking halo for a spin. And I personally like what I am seeing
  3. My GT is DoctorB77. Never would have guessed right?
  4. Happy birthday. If you all want to celebrate sign up for the moderator birthday playdate in the contests and events forum
  5. Well. Sonce it is relaesed during the week i will be at school.
  6. I think PV should detect it. Active camo should make you invisible and nothing else.
  7. Nice job adam. I just wish we could have all da letters.
  8. I would imagine that he does not. I wonder how perks will work in campaign...
  9. That Indiana Jones movie sucked. I like the other two though
  10. I think that the flood mode should have a lot more options to it as well. It would be really cool to be able to see the dead bodies become flood.
  11. I think it is the didact, wish we could have gotten a better view of him.
  12. Well, if you watch the rest of the video... But I beat YOU in swords on Swordbase. So hahaha. And I did bad at racing because either quilts or AD kept knocking me off the map
  13. If I had to have a say in it. I would give it to Fire. I want him to be able to play with the rest of us
  14. Staff vs Members Video

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Choot 'em
    3. skummgummigubbe


      great work, but how about the SURVIVOR one?

    4. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      I was in second place in the first clip :3

  15. Sorry for this taking so long. I could only do it on the weekend and last weekend the file got corrupted. Here you guys go In this video you get to hear a lot of Absolute Dog and Lil Dog
  16. I hope V.I.P returns. Nothing like playing assassinate the president. Storming the horribly made white house with tanks and warthogs across sandbox XD
  17. Well. This got dragged back up. I would like to additionally promote the idea of instead changing the nameplate on the XBOX rather then on waypoint.
  18. I am very excited for the BTB maps. Especially Ragnarok and Meltdown. So far I love the look of Vortex. It has a great feel and amazing map design and graphics
  19. A better question would be what has NOT been confirmed yet. -Invasion -Objective -Classic SWAT has been confirmed as well. I am sure objective will be included and I really hope for a classic playlist. I unfortunately doubt that invasion will be included in halo 4 with the new dominion gametype being introduced in addition to elites not being a playable character. Fun Fact: I learned Regicide means to kill royalty (king). Such as suicide (oneself) and patricide (father)
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