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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. I don't see the point of spike grenades. It's the same think as stickys pretty much. Inceneration grenades were fun but not really good in matchmaking.
  2. He got that rank because he was the squad leader for all of the spartans. Everyone else got Petty Officer 3rd or 2nd (I don't remember)
  3. Well. In at 2k. It doesn't really matter very much to me but I decided that it would be a good time to thank everyone on this forum for everything. I was originally going to use this post to announce the DGL. But I need to get everything started due to Halo 4 coming out. I know I am not the best member on here and I dont have that interesting of a personality, but I love being on here even though I haven't been on here for that long. I dont think there is ever a thread that I don't see on here. I check pretty much everything everyday I want to get more active in the chatbox but i am always on mobile. It is difficult to do but I will try. I know I'm not anyone's #1 but I hope to in the future. I am going to stick around for a while. And I see a lot more posts like this to come.
  4. Freaking Overated Returnable. combat evolved LOLUMADFORLONGTAG
  5. Thank you for being my friend
  6. Hahaha. I havnt played halo wars. So cortana I suppose.
  7. It was a dream about me eating potatos ...Idk why I had that dream.
  8. Same here. This thread has been dead for a while. Bit with his absense I don't see it happening.
  9. Wtf? I hate when people insult the human race. It just seems like a contradiction. Also. This is not a serious discussion if you are just going to say how ugly elites are.
  10. Could I suggest that this be locked and that this thread may sink like it should have.
  11. Agreed. Normal BRB would be a lot of fun.
  12. DoctorB77


    Idk. Looks red to me..
  13. Welcome to the forum. I hope you get more involved as halo 4 gets closed to releasing
  14. Welcome to the forum. I hope to see you around
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