The hitchhiker one is a great idea. At least for an achievement. I hope that there will be a lot of multiplayer achievements in Halo 4. Just to get. I am one of those who don't care about GamerScore.
Nope. I wish we could have one though. So we can see if there are any fun glitches and stuff like the halo reach beta had. But I am kinda glad they didn't make a public beta. All it would do is crash anyway
Cortana will turn into the number 7 7:7
Yes. This is what will happen
But I think that she will come close to death and chief will find a way to save her.
I think it would be fun. I don't ever have many friends online so I would be able to have fun without them now. Would you want it to be a playlist or a series of servers with different hosts.
I like everything besides the scope. But I will get used to it. The camp looks awesome as well. I can't to see the other skins for the BR DMR and the AR
Well the war games take place on the infinity. So I don't see how it could be after if the thing crashes. Unless they rebuild it on Requim who h I find unlikely.