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Stealth Pilot

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Everything posted by Stealth Pilot

  1. If I am not right I am taking my copy of Cryptum and flushing it down the toilet. They are Promethean tech, not Prometheans.
  2. I am guessing it was directed towards MC, but that is not confimed.
  3. Guys I triple posted because I was on my phone. We can't edit on the phone version. Sorry. I accidently hit post before the link loaded...
  4. NEW VEHICLES You can see all of the following -Scorpion -Ghost -Wraith -Falcon New Weapons - Confirmed Thanks to Archangel for posting this one. We found some new Forerunner Weapons I forgot to mention this one before. The Railgun Forerunner SMG or Side Arm Promethean Repeater and "Sniper" Rifle These Weapons were found at LittleEnglishHaloBlog. NEW Promethean Pistol : SAW-LMG Seen in the new armory video.
  5. I would just like to make a post (which will hopefully be pinned) of all of the Halo 4 items and characters that are confirmed. Already we see a lot of new weapons and enemies. Weapons Assault Rifle - Battle Rifle - Sticky Detonator - Designated Marksmen Rifle - Magnum - Rocket Launcher - Sniper Rifle - Spartan Laser - Plasma Pistol - Storm Rifle - Needler - Energy Sword - Covenant Carbine - Forerunner Scattershot - Forerunner Light Rifle - No good pictures yet Machine gun Turret Plasma Turret (each seen in Spartan Ops) Shotgun (seen in RvB Save the Date) Promethean Grenade - Spartan ops gameplay. Some sort of static grenade. Gravity Hammer? - If grifball comes back, the hammer will have to as well...right? Vehicles Warthog - Mongoose - Ghost - Banshee - No decent picture Enemies Grunt - Jackel - Elite - Promethean Crawler - Promethean Watcher - Promethean Knight - As for the new Forerunner enemies, I strongly believe they are only machines, and not actual forerunners. They don't match any of the forerunner descriptions, and Cortana did say (It surely is non-organic) I also didnt post pictures of the Covenant Enemies since I dont have the ability to post that many pictures at once. If you find any pictures or other details, post them below and I will add them up here.
  6. lol. Prometheus in mythology was the titan who created humans out of mud, and gave them fire.
  7. ...Prometheans ARE ORGANIC. Cortana said "Whatever it is, it is not organic" It cant be a promethean, only promethean technology.
  8. It is also interesting to me how for once we have an enemy who shows no fear of us. Like the grunts screaming "RUN!!! DEMON!!!"
  9. Is it similar to the Crypt the Didact is in in Halo Cryptum? If so it opens...good idea Darkest.
  10. You can clearly hear Cortana say "it is not organic". Prometheans are a class of Forerunner, and are organic. Therefore those creatures were not actually Forerunners. My guess would be they are sphinxs, or another Forerunner machine. The big ball thing however is a mystery to me...some type of Forerunner Vessel.
  11. The Librarian is dead, or is in Cryptum which takes place before Halo. Good thought though.
  12. He is good also, but I think he is on drugs or something xD. And H4F puts out sources which I follow. His videos are just summeries of his opinions.
  13. Now we know the Target locator is actually the rocket pistol. And it seems the menus are returning to the halo ce and H2 roots.
  14. Stealth Pilot


    I don't like the idea of people finding ME. I could care less about my killcam.
  15. I think it will be on Spike. G4 uses that channel. I think DirecTV actually has an individual G4 channel.
  16. -Multiplayer Designed Maps -BR is back, along with my new favorite DMR (I will use both frequently) -FollowCam (It is not a killcam, it only follows the person who killed you. Similar to BF3) -Spartan Ops (Sounds fun) Thats all for now. This list will surly be extended tomorrow.
  17. Stealth Pilot


    Leave...now... We don't need any more of you ranting noobs. Take your 15 posts and go somewhere else to complain like the others. Halo is Halo, and will always be a game of its own.
  18. your kiddin me right. Any moron that would believe this should not be on this forum...
  19. I say only yes. I just want it not to be a 10 foot shield-be-gone. I say a jump of the spire should kill you, but a jump from the third level on countdown with no shields lost at all.
  20. DMR looks so much more like an accurate beast.
  21. I checked out the E3 airtimes. Set your recordings to June 4th, 3:00 PM on SPIKE to catch G4s preview of Halo 4. http://www.g4tv.com/e3-2012/tv-schedule/
  22. idk about pelicans...but Falcons with passenger seats would be good.
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