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Stealth Pilot

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Everything posted by Stealth Pilot

  1. Yes. I fell it has become part of the game. Like forge.
  2. Mayans lived a verrry long time ago. At this time years still had 365 days. But that is the thing. ALL of them had 365. The concept of the Leap Year was not until the time of Julius Ceaser. From the date that was created, over a year in leap years have occurred, which would make the mayan "2012" in early 2011. Thanks for coming, I had a great time with you, visit the gift shop on the way out.
  3. I am getting off. Go ahead and remove it if you want I really don't care.
  4. Aw come on...Have some fun today shall we. Only happens once a year.
  5. Leaked gameplay showed by secret camara! http://www.google.co...s:0&tx=86&ty=54
  6. That code seems irrelevant. I think it is just a space filler...like the static.
  7. Are we for now assuming that this is the Greater Ark. If so I would shift my focus to this, but I want to confirm that we are sticking to that. I am now studying the installations.
  8. One condition. You can choose whether or not to join a game in progress. Other than that I am all in. But since not as many quit in Halo as in CoD and what not, it may not be used much, unless its a friend. No one likes joining a game where people raged quit, because it will probably just make them mad as well, with the score already 30-5. To be honest I don't think it is necessary in a search engine, but joining a friend would be fine.
  9. I saw the picture. That is an ark for sure. Either this guy is an adobe wiz, or this is real footage. Perhaps of a trailer or maybe even in game. Kudos to him for putting this mind rattling puzzle together. Now if we could only find out how to decode all of it. My question is the numbers at the end of that video on the blue background. If those mean something, it would be something big. Drizzy if you can figure that out, it could be our biggest discovery yet, and maybe the final clue that leads us to the answer.
  10. wort wort wort - means "I approve" in Shangheili.
  11. On googling this, you find he is infamous not only here but on Bungie.net
  12. Access to breached areas is not permitted... but they are breached so they are obviously accessible.
  13. Neither. It should be unlocked by Rank. So if you achieve a rank and lose it you still keep it.
  14. I was supposing it or backing it up. Just saying it is a possibility as a P2 role, since many others don't fit as well.
  15. I like your name. I just read the Odyssey in English.
  16. Tell you why the armory has to be better...hmmm Tell you why the games should get an update in graphics Why should we get new weapons Why should we get more maps Because it makes the game better...you can't barge in thinking we expect another Halo 3. This isn't CoD, we don't want the same output each year. We want something new in its entirety, or else I will save myself 60 bucks and play Halo 3. This forum isn't for hating, so you can get out of here for all I care, and take your comments with you. If you read our posts and are annoyed, leave...you wont have to read them anymore.
  17. I personally preferred the halo 2 pistol over the others, because of its look and use. Although Halo 4's pistol is the classic magnum in appearance, how is shoots is unknown.
  18. 343 would never defy the canon. They know the community would tear them apart if they did.
  19. You must remember health has always been incorporated into the game. Reach was just the first one to show you your health instead of a blinking drained shield bar. Reach also allowed you to grab healthpacks, to restore your health. I am not sure, but I believe in halo 1,2, and 3, the health was like the elites, and slowly regenerated.
  20. I suggested this with Halo Reach before the games release, after E3. 94% of the people nearly tore my flamesuit.
  21. Blue team, yes... Halsey, sure...Spartan IIIs, I would rather just have one spartan. (When I say I want blue team I want flashbacks, not in gameplay)
  22. Stealth Pilot

    Halo 4 P2

    After reading the discussion in the REACH thread...if Jun is still alive... Will we hear of him, or even play as him in Halo 4. Just a thought... 2% chance it would happen.
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