I realize this is going to sound like a total rant but, hear me out, because I can't be the only one with this problem.
For years, I have been a loyal and dedicated fan to the Halo series. If it weren't for that, I would never own an Xbox. There wouldn't be a point to it, in my eyes. But, unfortunately, I can no longer play and actually enjoy it because, I can't play like a pro. It's a sad truth and I wish that I could see better, or sit closer so I could but, I suffer from Sciatica and I can't sit in a chair so I can be close enough to the t.v. to see real well. The point I am getting at, is that I can't play what I enjoy, like the tanks, because I have a bad tendency of hitting my own teammates while trying to get an enemy (most of the time they run right into my shot, or I just plainly didn't know they were in that area). I don't intentionally try to betray my teammates but, it happens and now I am forced onto this "ban probation" and every time I mess up, I am kicked for 10 min. for the matchmaking server. 343, I have collected a ton of merchandise over the years, stayed a true fan of the Halo series, and I can't understand why the players would be punished for not being pros. Is this something that you are going to keep in Halo 4?? Is this something that can be changed now?? Because, I can't see keeping this Xbox and Halo, if I can't even play the game without being penalized every time I have an accident! I'm really heart broken over this and I realize there are going to be trolls that want to smash me for this.. But, Halo really means a lot to me and I would hate to throw away something I have followed and hobbyed for years, if this is something that will be eliminated in the future.
The broken hearted consumer/gamer,