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Shadow Hunter Honor

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Everything posted by Shadow Hunter Honor

  1. My own house, im too big for a sports car :/ WRY Para-glide off the top of Mount Everest, or play pool at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
  2. Halo 4 in 6 1/2 months, awesome gamer GF, newly 17 years old, never been better, even being the Dovahkiin. :P

  3. no, i do it often ad haven't gotten called out on it.
  4. no, its getting hard to tell if people are trolling, or just that ignorant.
  5. OMFG this again?! i swear every forum site has the same old story, just different Names and different faces. all of the Halo games have significant differences, new abilities, new HUD, its my favorite Shooter because of that. but when some one says something about Halo becoming like CoD, let me ask you one simple question, when was the last time CoD changed ANYTHING ABOUT THERE SORRY EXCUSE FOR ENTERTAINMENT?!?!?! and before you say something stupid like "durr ba derp but duh Halo is having things that CoD has 2 and dair 4 dey r gonna be dah same game badahuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr" first off that hurt my soul typing, second the aspects being added are common for a lot of shooters, not just CoD. if Halo stayed the same for years on end, with absolutely no big change in the game what so ever, then it would be turning into CoD, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID!!! (P.S. I hate CoD just as much as all of you, Just FYI.)
  6. It has sentimental value, one completes the other. http://web-service.halo.xbox.com/Stats/emblem.ashx?s=120&0=27&1=2&2=27&3=16&fi=21&bi=0&fl=1&m=3
  7. IDK about it, and if i do join something, ill be joining the XGC next year.
  8. Every word of that was right on with how i feel. there has to be change in the Halo Community. after the waves of adversity The makers of CoD and others are licking their chops at the Halo series. they expect to outsell Halo 4 and dominate it, that's where they are doomed to fail. the exact opposite is happening with Halo 4 then with Halo 3, its being under-hyped, The other big guys are seeing that as an easy beat, especially with the new guys at 343, but again, they are wrong. Twain, as i said before, i will stand by you on your quest to bring back the once great Halo Community, for i wish to see the same objective met. we shall prevail. HALO4LIFE!!!!
  9. rapid fire but inaccurate, single fire but accuracy. hard to choose. but ill take a DMR
  10. Halo 4 Around the corner, Skyrim is left uncompleted..............Challenge Accepted

  11. lol mostly due to all the rage. XD
  12. Yeah i got a few. ill send them tonight.
  13. im new here, so i have no idea what kind of awards i can get. i guess ill look later. Edit: speaking of which this is my 50th post.
  14. Need a voice actor? im your guy.
  15. yeah, i kinda liked those maps.... at least Sword Base is still on there. :/
  16. Welcome new member....Happy posting, and may the mods be ever in your favor.
  17. personally i loved all the bugs in all the Halo Games
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