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Everything posted by SurgicalStrike41

  1. Honestly, I want a great game. A Halo game that'll kick the snot out of its competitors and reassert Halo as the king of Xbox Live. I want a game that runs smoothly in close quarters combat but is friendlier to long and medium range combat than Reach was. I think the fan favorite maps have been those that flow well and allow for adaptation. Maps where you can snipe, get in a vehicle, go on a tear with the sword or the shotgun, or just have a plain infantry battle successfully are the ones that are best because they allow the player to do whatever they want how they want. I want an open multiplayer experience out of Halo 4. Now, I don't mean huge maps. I mean maps that flow smoothly and allow for that run, jump, and gun Halo experience. For instance, Guardian in Halo 3 was actually quite small but was set up in a way that players don't bunch up in the spawn or in high-traffic areas. Small maps where everybody kills a lot and dies a lot are not fun maps. Big maps can't be boring or dominated by unstoppable snipers and vehicles because the guys not using them are screwed for the rest of the game. Medium range maps take the best of both worlds and provide gamers with the most balanced Halo experience. Maps like Valhalla, Last Resort, Standoff, and High Ground should serve as inspiration for the Halo 4 team. I've rambled enough for now, but I hope I've expressed a lot of the community's feelings.
  2. The comparison between Call of Duty and Halo is becoming ridiculous. The only real similarity is that you have a gun in your hands. Personally, Halo is my game because it simply appeals to me more. I'm actually better at Call of Duty than Halo but Halo's multiplayer is just more fun to me. It's really all a matter of preference. People ultimately hate Halo because it doesn't appeal to them or they suck at it. Halo and Call of Duty are different games that require different skill sets and that's really all there is to it. As a fan of Call of Duty I feel that it's important for my fellow Halo fans to know that the series really has degraded. Don't take Modern Warfare 3 or Black Ops as the sole representatives, just as you wouldn't take Reach as the sole representative of the Halo series. Personally, Reach was breathtaking at first but it didn't stand the test of time. I played Reach for about 6 months. On the other hand, I played Halo 3 for 3 years off and on. But I digress. Halo is its own game just as Call of Duty or whatever is. I sicerely hope that my favorite game series, Halo, will have a stellar addition in Halo 4 this Fall/Winter that combines all the best elements and removing or revising all of the game ruiners of Halos past. Good luck and best wishes to 343 and the community.
  3. ore maps like Valhalla. Halo: Reach was a close-quarters disaster. Linear maps with two team bases seem to succeed ever time. The classic canyon and bridge maps are awesome as well as maps like less linear maps like Last Resort, High Ground, and to some extent the Pit. Also important are weapons. I'm overjoyed to see the Battle Rifle again and no more health packs. The DMR was just not a fun weapon to use and the health pack system wasn't a good idea for multiplayer.Sniping needs to once again be a dominant force when used by a skilled marksman. Also, no sword blocking or armor abilities. Those were real game ruiners. The power of splattering should return but the ability to jump right over a barrelling ghost should also be there. And the tank, well Scorpions should be powerful, but indestructible? no. there should always be a counter for something. also, br and ar spawns always. I don't want an ar and pistol at the spawn! Well, I think I've rambled enough. I sincerely hope that Halo 4 will bring back millions of gamers to it for years.
  4. Dear 343, I have to tell you that besides the basics, the absolute most important thing to make Halo 4's multiplayer the best is level design, weapons, and vehicles. I'm posting this because as a an avid Halo fan, I feel that making Halo 4's multiplayer better than Reach's and as good if not better than 2 and 3's is of the utmost importance. Let me start with my first topic: maps. Maps are the most important thing to making a good Halo game. The better a map flows and the better the placement of weapons and vehicles, the better the game is. I loved Halo 3's maps so much compared to the ones that shipped with Reach. Halo 4 needs a return to bigger maps that at the same time don't become vehicle mayhem. Reach simply didn't have any outstanding big maps early on. We need m
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