even though the 1-50 is flawed it is still my favourite system. There was no better feeling than trying your guts out to get to that next level, and the anticipation at the end of the game waiting for the 4 second countdown to see if you get that next level.. The K/D option could possibly not work. For arguements sake, how would they differentiate say a legitimate level 50 with a 1.5k/d playing other legitimate 50's all day, to say, a level 20 with a 1.5k/d playing other level 20's all day... If they get matched up by K/D, the level 50 would walk all over the level 20. I think if 343 could put some serious thought into tweaking the 1-50 system to get rid of all the boosting, it could be good. People complain about new account starters, honestly this is always goin to happen and there is no way to fix that.