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shado12 lol

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Everything posted by shado12 lol

  1. cool idea but it sounds like star wars battle front and combat training in black ops.
  2. I do not believe this to be a very credable explanation. I do know that the covenant will not be playing as much of an intergrale role in Halo 4, but to take away one of the most powerful races would just be stupid. so therefore we do not know if they will be in Halo 4 we have not seen any game play with them but I'm sure they will and I don't think just flat out saying they will not be in the game because the covenant are scarce is not very credable. So I say good day.
  3. it sucks how the greatest ideas are the one that probably won't make the cut. but still a great idea lol.
  4. we just don't know yet but i'm sure we will find out in the passing months.
  5. i do not think that would happen but it would be cool.
  6. Search is a fun game type it would be a nice option to have and if you don't like it you have to play it so ya.
  7. I can't wate to play the campaign of my favorite game series of all time right where it left off.
  8. It is a very interesting idea but it wouldn't work well and would be to complex.
  9. This is very true Halo's music has always been iconic and very recognizable (in a good way of course. ) and in my opinion has one of the greatest selection of songs in video games, and is just strait up amazing.
  10. i have no clue what your talking about it looks epic.
  11. shado12 lol

    The Flood

    as much as i like the flood and find combat synarios alot more fun when you fight them I do not think they will return in Halo 4 possibly Halo 5 or 6 we don't know yet so lets wait and see.
  12. as much as I loved the needle rifle I doubt that it is coming back it got replaced but I am very glad to see the carbine back in action. the focus rifle I have an pure hatrid for, it is like a bee sting not powerful but and I can't stretch this enought ANNOYING. As for the Beam Rifle I would enjoy seeing that return it was a fun weapon that was just as if not better then the sniper.
  13. Halo is the best sci-fi game its only compotition is Mass Effect and maybe starcraft.
  14. 3. 1. 4. I can work well with people when it is neccisary but most of the time I keep to myself not taking kills like a nube. so they get their kills and I get my own. unless they make me mad then all bets r off.
  15. there is whole new trilogy so yes there will be more halos and yes ghostly halo wars 2 would be awsome.
  16. the bestist game store out there Gamestop and because its the closest.
  17. if they used the original forge then they would need more then one forge world.
  18. no complaints yet not until we play the game but we all know it will be awsome anyway.
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