Spectral, wrong.
The requirements for two GPU's will consist in multiple heatsinks, indefintely water cooling.
Two GPUs and a water cooling system will cost up to a fair £150-250 already.
Two GPUs are useless with one CPU.
Of course, you can't have two central processing units, can we now?
This rumour is properly fake as this would cost ridiculously more amount of money.
The final income from the first month of sales will be drastically lower.
You're basicly saying: "Lets take stuff out of a tower and put it in a tiny case and bet on how long it takes to overheat!"
This rumour is ridiculous, I doubt it will have two GPUs.
Desktops & Towers > Consoles.
I've heard a rumour about an overclocking button for the case of the 720, this properly is also fake. No kid should be left capable of lighting shoddy RAMs on fire all day long.