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Everything posted by Iиversiσn

  1. Well, I'm pretty sure that the flood were destroyed, but correct me if i'm wrong. Anyways I'm not sure if they will be making an appearance in Halo 4, the confirmed "bad guys", are the forerunners. -MaGIIXz
  2. "That's no moon, it's a space station." Gotta love that line, but seriously, this is awesome. -MaGIIXz
  3. I agree with you and everyone else. 343i will be great and will pay the closest attention to every aspect of Halo 4 that they could improve. I do have to say one thing though, I really think Bungie did a great job and stood out from other game developers, (By actually listening to their community and improving their game). This has set an example for 343i and they will continue to follow in Bungie's footsteps until they outgrow them, and hopefully become an even better developer. -MaGIIXz
  4. How Did You First Get Into the Halo Franchise? I'm a little curious to see how people got into this AMAZING, series. SO I would like to know, three things. Who introduced you to the game? What game in the series was it? Was the first Halo game you played your most enjoyable? Seems like an interesting topic to spectate, to see how other fellow members started playing this game. Also it could generate some interesting patterns. So post away! -MaGIIXz EDIT: Sorry Ashlynn, I had no idea you made a thread like this. I seriously didn't mean to copy it in any way.
  5. I guess not, hmm. Well I do know that other people have also been experiencing this problem with Reach, I'm just going to assume that it is because of the server transfers. If the problem persists after they are completed, then somebody will have to contact 343i about the bug. -MaGIIXz
  6. So, to be clear, you were falling and then the host migrated? Or did you fall, then the host migrated? -MaGIIXz
  7. Sorry, couldn't really catch all the specifics that you were trying to make out there. What I presume from your post is that you think the covenant should be a stronger force that humans should tremble in front of? I also wouldn't quite say that "war in the game is a bag of poop", I personally LOVE, the Halo story line, and it makes perfect sense to me. If you want a challenge with stronger enemies, try putting the difficulty level on legendary? Otherwise if your quarrel is with the story line, I cannot help there. -MaGIIXz
  8. First, I would just like to point out that 343i is now running Halo: Reach and not Bungie. (Just to inform you) Secondly I had a very similar thing that had happened to me? Were you by any chance on any type of lift? I remember the same thing happened to me on Reflection whilst I was standing on the lift... Very strange indeed. Hope this assumed "bug" is resolved soon. -MaGIIXz
  9. Pretty good debate so far. I can see that you're leaning towards the first person aspect. Your post "a little change won't hurt anyone", could go in both directions. Just take into example Halo: Reach, and Halo 3. A lot of people didn't like Reach because of all the changes made in the game (AA's, weapons, bloom, etc..) I personally think they add some variety to the game so you have to adapt, but I still really do enjoy playing Halo 3. I'm with most people on this one though, I think that Halo 4 should just stick to third-person, just as many other people have said. BUT If 343i are thinking of implementing a first-person view, then it should DEFINITELY be optional as to whether you want to click a button for third-person, then switch back to first-person. -MaGIIXz
  10. What and how many things to pack for my Las Vegas vacation in a week & Looking forward to the community H3 playdate! -MaGIIXz
  11. Hmm. Well ever since the transfer started I have been actually lagging straight out of games. Before, just the usual would happen. Bad connection = host migration = (usually) better connection, but now when the host migrates, I get disconnected from the game itself. Any ideas why this has started to be a common issue for a bunch of people? -MaGIIXz
  12. I have not heard any poor reviews about this game. As stated before with the FrostBite engine, the game has a destructible environment, amazing graphics, fun and entertaining gameplay for hours on end. If you have enough money to buy this game I would go for it for sure. I've bought it and still play it almost every day since it came out. Good luck! -MaGIIXz
  13. You know you're a noob when you try to weapon juggle the shotgun off a map while holding rockets, and you throw the rockets instead. -MaGIIXz
  14. Hey Laddu, can you specify what you have to work with? Like what consoles, how many controllers, computers, etc. Like Mr.Biggles said, Starcraft 2 It's a great game, but I don't know if you have enough computers for how many people you have over. Otherwise, try a classic that I used to love. Age of Empires <3 -MaGIIXz
  15. Well I mean this topic has been debated a very substantial amount over and over again. You right in one way for sure though, people do make A LOT of money off of this. Let's take into example, Y2K. (Just for the purpose of trying to further your point, of the economy crashing). Y2K in a nutshell Now, with Y2K it was a supposed “Coding Error”. This malfunction was involving the use of 6 digits (dd/mm/yy) versus the 8 digit dates (dd/mm/yyyy). So let’s look at this (02/04/98) this means that it is the second day of the fourth month of the 98th year. So from this we can gather that it is April the second, but we do not know if it’s 1998 or 2098. That was the main problem, people didn’t know if computers would crash or restart or send us back to the stone age to 1990. They didn’t know if we would go to 2000 or 1990. Now this was widespread and a whole bunch of assumptions were made like “The computers will malfunction and start firing off nukes WW3” or "Robots will become self aware and destroy humanity". These of course are crazy, but they do cause people to worry. My purpose of explaining Y2K is just to understand the concept, now, as you said before The World Poor = Economies Crashing = No VideoGame Market = NO HALO. I’d just like to point out that with the Y2K scare, yes, people spent $$$ and some spent huge. They sold their homes stocked up on food and supplies and bought land and made bunkers in the west. BUT, there were some people that I guess you could say were “sensible” enough to continue living their lives. After the new year had passed and nothing had happened, the world economy didn’t go crashing down in an inferno. Yes, people’s lives were ruined because of all they gave up for canned food and shelter, and other people made a fortune out of that, but the world "rebounded". Personally, I wouldn’t be too scared about the whole “2012” thing, the worlds end has been predicted before, and failed. I think the only reason to fret would be if that the end of the world was publically announced by high ranked authorities, not some conspiracy. If you’re looking to fret about the world’s economy but erm, more importantly, Halo’s survival don’t worry about it. -MaGIIXz
  16. I'll be sure to check this out, would you like me to offer some constructive criticism after I've tried playing for a bit? -MaGIIXz
  17. Thanks, I meant I only have a problem with armor lock by how it's used. If they are in the middle of nowhere then they armor lock, no problem. Only when they have team mates around to save them. I realize that that is actually very tactical, but it can sometimes be frusterating. Thanks, MaGIIXz
  18. I don't really think that you really understood what I was trying to get at with all the quotes and the brackets. I was trying to quote other people's opinions on the game. As per the quotes, what they are mainly trying to express are other people's common problems. Sorry for that IUKE. -MaGIIXz
  19. There are a few reasons in general why people hate Halo: Reach passionately. I will cover the main ones that I can think of in this thread. The armour abilities. These are considered to be the most overpowered, "noobish" abilities in the game. Personally I enjoy playing reach, but it can get frustrating at times. Let's review the abilities. Active Camo This is in my opinion only annoying by how people play it. By that I mean that some people like to rush around and when they see somebody they activate it just to mess up the motion sensor, now, on the other hand there are people who like to sit in their spawn with a sword and use it to go invisible and pretty much be camping "noobs". Armor Lock (The worst of the worst) I think that this armor ability is the most overpowered of all. You can survive literally ANYTHING while using this ability. Most Halo: Reach players see anybody using this power up as a bad-kid. My advice on how to avoid hate using armour lock? (Don't use it), and you will make the game fun, and more challenging. Jet Pack In my personal opinion this ruins the dynamics of a map. Instead of running the normal routes on a certain map, you can now take any path that you like and gain a huge "unfair", advantage in-game. Sprint Sprint is usually the power-up that people usually don't have a problem with. I rarely do, but in some cases it can be a pain. Let's say that I am shooting someone, that person is getting out DMRed and almost dead, but so am I. Then he manages to get behind cover and use sprint to run away so his teammate can come and clean me up. (Also, evade works the same way). From now I can say that the only armour ability that I do not have a problem with is hologram. Doesn’t really affect most experienced players, only n00bs go for the holograms The ranking system As we all know in previous Halos, the ranking up aspect of the game has always been different. In my opinion I think that in previous Halos the system has been much better. In Halo: Reach, ranks are mostly based on how much you play the game and how many challenges you can complete. So I could be in a lobby with a Commander, and an Inheritor. The commander could be an MLG pro with a 5.00k/d and the Inheritor could be negative, so what I’m trying to get at is that in Reach, you are not ranked according to skill level. In the previous Halos you could have a “50” in team slayer, and you would always be paired up with other randoms that would be playing to win. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but when Halo 3 was at its prime, people that had 50’s 9 times out of 10 would be great. The odd exception would be a bought account. So it would be a much more challenging/fun game to play. That pretty much sums up my main two negative points on this game. Thanks for reading, I hope this proved usefull to some of you out there! -MaGIIXz
  20. Hello 343i Community Forum . Just like to start out by saying that I LOVE Halo, and always will. I think that 343i is doing a pretty good job (taking care of Reach), and will do so in the future. In Reach I mostly just play TU ZB as I adore the zero bloom, it reminds me of the previous Halos, and that just makes me tear up :'). With TU ZB as my warm up, I absolutely adore playing MLG with friends and teams. I look forward to my time in this forum and can see that it will be a great one! -MaGiiXz
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