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Sgt. Justice

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Everything posted by Sgt. Justice

  1. I agree, sprint should be a standard across the board, as well as evade, IMO. Jetpack, Armor lock, drop sheild and cloak are the loadout special abilities.
  2. LOL, thats funny, but if your dumb enough to do it during a battle, you get what you deserve. I was thinking more like something you would do (As I do) after you have cleared an area. I agree, thats a good add on. Maybe like a POW/MIA emblem that goes on the right brest of your armor for getting all Dog Tags. Or something like that. Agreed, the AI on NPC's could be improved.
  3. Agreed, Maybe just a tougher shield. I agree, thats why I said it should be limmited on how many times it can be done. I think eatch player should only be able to do it once, and they have to actually see the death for it to be active. Then you have a time limit, say 7 seconds (lol) to get to the body, and initaiate the "Battle Rage."
  4. I think it would work best if when done, he (The Spartan/player) lays the body out respectably, grabs their dog tag, then marks their grid location, then it tally’s them up and says "KIA's recovered" in the stats after you beat a mission/level.
  5. Thanks for the reply, I had thought of it more as a campaign thing originally anyway. I always feel bad for those poor AI UNSC troops that get through in as cannon fodder. Another idea is to have a score/award bonus for keeping AI troops alive through campaign missions. Say every troop alive is worth 20 CR after mission completion, but you get 15 for “recovering” their body. Be a nice little Easter egg/touch of grace for the game.
  6. I have a seperate post for this idea, but I thought it fit in here to. ================================================= Alright, so I had this idea while playing Reach campaign, I know it may sound cheesy but when a UNSC solider dies while I’m playing campaign, I’ll stop, take a knee and bow my head next to the body as a “sign of respect.” Then I had the idea, what if there was a “Battle Rage” or ”Fallen Hero” award/bonus for doing this? Say in a multiplayer your teammate is killed. You stop, kneel down and hold the melee button while aiming at the corps. There is a quick animation of you laying the corps in a respectful position. (Think how 117 did in Homecoming “Halo: Legends.”) In campaign he marks the body for extract and a UNSC ship comes and evacts him. Then you get an award. Also, I thought it would be cool if you see the death and do this. You get a “Battle Rage.” That is to say 15-30 seconds of enhanced speed, melee power, agility, and unlimited ammo, to take out the enemy/opponent that killed him, with the announcer stating “Battle Rage.” I think to keep this balanced you should only be able to get it once per teammate/once per person in a match. Also I wanted to throughout the idea that the reason Spartans sometimes where such vibrant colors, is so other UNSC soldiers can see them on the field of battle, and be inspired. And on that note, would it be possible to have camo schemes (Desert/ACU/BDU), as well as colors, for character customization?
  7. Alright, so I had this idea while playing Reach campaign, I know it may sound cheesy but when a UNSC solider dies while I’m playing campaign, I’ll stop, take a knee and bow my head next to the body as a “sign of respect.” Then I had the idea, what if there was a “Battle Rage” or ”Fallen Hero” award/bonus for doing this? Say in a multiplayer your teammate is killed. You stop, kneel down and hold the melee button while aiming at the corps. There is a quick animation of you laying the corps in a respectful position. (Think how 117 did in Homecoming “Halo: Legends.”) In campaign he marks the body for extract and a UNSC ship comes and evacts him. Then you get an award. Also, I thought it would be cool if you see the death and do this. You get a “Battle Rage.” That is to say 15-30 seconds of enhanced speed, melee power, agility, and unlimited ammo, to take out the enemy/opponent that killed him, with the announcer stating “Battle Rage.” I think to keep this balanced you should only be able to get it once per teammate/once per person in a match. Also I wanted to throughout the idea that the reason Spartans sometimes where such vibrant colors, is so other UNSC soldiers can see them on the field of battle, and be inspired. And on that note, would it be possible to have camo schemes (Desert/ACU/BDU), as well as colors, for character customization? What do ya’ll/343 think?
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