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A lazy noob

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Sunday, November 25 keep getting message that 343i servers are down and matchmaking has resorted to default playlist, no spartan ops, rank set at 1, tried reseting router, and restarting xbox, funny thing is that most of xbl friends do not have issue, but some do... anyone?
  2. obviously you can do that in oddball
  3. with the invention of the ability to throw balls...i just had an idea of having a modified oddball/grifball/insane gametype where the ball spawns in the middle, an endzone at both ends and an insane like gametype (you know the ones like skiball in reach or hockey) for a grifball football game thoughts anyone?
  4. well we kinda do know from the behind the scenes video that there is sprint...
  5. you sir are right 343i directly stated in one of their announcements that there will not be a beta for halo 4, because they are now what is in "crunch" mode; making the maps look pretty, and working on all of the details of the UI , animations and player models they simply do not have the time to create a beta which involves several complex steps in order to allow one to be incorporated into halo anniversary, or any halo disk. they have a lot of stuff to do and a short (ish) time to do it. sorry to say it, but no beta.
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