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  1. shodan420

    Halo 4 on PC?

    i would just like to add that most people forget that originally halo was a huge deal in the pc gaming world. even before the xbox existed. msoft screwed us PC enthusiasts when they bought everything. early development was 100% geared towards creating a large scale online sci-fi PC game. this game concept was dreamed up for pc because of the huge rise in FPS popularity(on PC). this is when people religously played quake2, which led to actionQ2, then to Counter strike. the birth of online competetive shooters... well at least in the extremist kind of way(ie. CAL). no one can say otherwise really. not gonna argue who has the best gaming platform, but its the truth that matters. sry to say(if you dont agree) FPS's and PC game were born together and should stay together. i would say the same about halo. but money really talks right? -shodan p.s. hasnt anyone ever realized that most big titles that have made PC great for gaming were shared and cross-platformed? counter strike, deus ex, battlefield 3 to name a few(starcraft and quake were on N64 lol). though it has been stated by the creators of the BF3 game that PC is the best overall platform for this title, they still put the money into development for other platforms as well. just something to think about... also seriously does anybody think that Xbox is goin to monopolize the high end gamers market. oh please. not hardcore enough for the hardcore sry to say.
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