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Ghost Recon

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Everything posted by Ghost Recon

  1. Still under a lot of stress, also body still feels broken.

  2. @Princess me either, i can't wait to.

  3. Nice princess and also congrats.

  4. Body feeling broken down, also thunderstorms through Wednesday. Feeling scared and sad. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zelda


      Right now, I would take the earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes all at once. Now that sounds like some crazy *** fun around here. lol :D

    3. Delpen9


      Zelda, maybe you should have been in the movie 2012.

    4. Zelda


      Hehehe. Know how much fun that would have been? Not the movie, but real life. :-p Jk

  5. Watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

  6. Can't fall asleep at all. :(

  7. Can't fall asleep at all.

  8. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there who do a lot of work. Also I call it Happy Friends Day to since it is also for the women and girls out there to who do a lot of work to and dedications.
  9. Went out to eat at Longhorn Steak House, never again I will go prices are to high.

  10. Wow playing matchmaking Halo 4 and we are lagging. :(

  11. what is that princess?

  12. Laptop updating still. Also be back in 30 minutes going to eat.

  13. Also princess what is your group about?

  14. I hope u do princess.

  15. Singing Let it Go.

  16. I'm sorry to hear that.

  17. U can blame it on me I don't mind at all.

  18. I wish I could live my childhood again.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Yeah. I wonder if I had the mind I have now, but back when I was little, I wonder what I could've changed.

  19. I hope there is since a lot of people will buy it also if there is I hope there is a lot of pre loaded stuff in it like Avatars, Props, Armors, Skins for Wepaons and other features.
  20. Almost fell onto my laptop, also hurting from my rib cage also body hurts. :(

  21. Rib cage hurting also body to. Also almost fell onto my laptop. :(

  22. 2 more days for Disney Frozen DVD, Blu-Ray, and Digital Copy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Biggles
    3. Delpen9


      What happened to your name???

    4. Fishy


      I thought the DVD is already out? I have it and digital copy...

  23. I think the member is talking about the limited one time, Bungie Eternal armor effect?
  24. I will be lurking around the shoutbox.
  25. Hi everyone I will be relieving my duties on here from posting anything for now on. I have been having difficulties with my back and also I have some other family issues right now that I need to take care of. Also this is no joke at all. A member on here knows about it. So farewell and goodbye to all. I will be on the forums but I will not be typing anything on the threads or I will just say hi on the shout box.
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