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Everything posted by VivaLebowski

  1. I ban azaxx for being...oh forgot about it, I ban him just cuz of who he is.
  2. I ban Fal. For making a thread called ban people for no apparent reason and then making sure everyone posts an apparent reason right after they're statement of banning.
  3. The Banshee should be like the Halo 3 one. So much better in general, yet oddly, less Op.
  4. Minecraft is like a fine wine. I savor'd it with a slice of aged parmesan in my valley near San Fernando. That's how good minecraft is.
  5. I'm one part English, one part Italian, and all Ghetto. See me on the west side, Homies.
  6. As a wise man once said, Shawtiez luv my left trigga

  7. You are what I like to call, a limp *BLAM!*. A cowardly, no good, run of the mill bourgesie *BLAM!* head who can't tell his own ass from his face. Let me tell you something you pathetic excuse for a Human being, you make me sick. You make my mother sick and she's dead! She died when she saw your face and her corpse is still throwing up! Your pimply. Your pasty. Your no effing good. You look at Modern art and force yourself to like it beacuse that is how perverse you are. You actually LIKE Justin Bieber. Honestly, I have seen cockroaches who would make a better man than you. And if by some wild chance you were a Woman, I sure as *BLAM!* wouldn't know beacuse your voice sounds like some god awfull genderless freak! To think that at one time people respected you. YOU?! Your nothing! DISGUSTING, WORTHLESS, NO GOOD PIECE OF *BLAM!* Scum of the earth, thats what I say, and you and your kind should be wiped right out like the vermin you are. Your behavior suggests nothing more than a pedophile who mistakenly believes he's a great guy and that everyone loves him. No one loves you! Why would anyone love you? That would be like me loving excrement! Though, God knows, compared to you, excrement is looking pretty good indeed. Its remarkable how every single time I think I've mastered my own nausea, your face manages to floor me, literally, every time. The moles, the zits, the oozing postules, and the shady half half breed eyes which prove that you are the descendant of mongrels! No good half blood descendants of rats! It doesn't help that your glasses are thicker than the Empire State building, that your so fat you could use an interstate highway as a slip and slide. When your own mother saw what she had given birth to, she became comatose out of sheer disgust. Not fright! No one could be frightened of you...what are you, three inches tall? I need a magnifying glass just to see you. They'd have to build a roller coaster for ants just for you to be able to ride one and to top it off...you think your funny? Your jokes are staler than three week old bread! At best, AT BEST, the nicest, kindlest, gentlest among us can muster maybe half a respectfull chuckle at the abortive attempts at humor you come up with. You make modern day Adam Sandler movies look like laugh riots! And, to be quite frank, YOUR FRANK (if you catch my drift) is small, stubby and limp. I hope you burn in eternal hellfire you rotten, disgusting, lously, dead beat, *BLAM!* eating, mother *BLAM*! I'm Done.
  8. Nothing would make all Halo fans happy...if you gave them a replica master chief armor, they'd complain that the crotch guard wasnt canonically consistent... Tho....this would be cool. They should get Weta Digital to do it!
  9. Use your internetz on the Google Machine! Though, I don't expect you to find the reference funny...I'm not sure why quoting an aging roman statesmen makes me laugh either.
  10. What is this "Shawtiez" that you speak of, my brotha from anotha motha? Does Shawtiez know you are out this late? Tell him/her/it to aquire a proper name before I pop a cap in him/her/it's ass. Good day to you sir. And welcome to the forums.
  11. Okay welcome back. Let me know when you decide to leave the forums forever for 5 minutes, again.
  12. AD is the one member who you absolutely must worship but will likely never see. Some say he was Twam incarnate, born to cleanse this forum of its sins. Others say he was just a cool guy. I say he doesn't exist, a but I'm in the minority on that one. Bow down and pay homage, before the wrath of Twam fall upon you! Alternatively, if you would like to beacome an Atwamtheist and deny the existence of Twam and his incarnate son, AD, please purchase my book, the Twam delusion.
  13. Congratz on a job well done, keeping the trolls and the spam bots at bay. Just don't let all that power go to your head!
  14. Is Sweden America? No. I give it a 0 out of 10. BUT SERIOUSLY, its good. I like the paint splatter effect.
  15. If I had a nickel for every time someone told me to shut up I would have....lets see...1, 2, 3...3 Nickles!

  16. The simple answer is yes, Game designers should be unafraid to explore the complete depths of Human wickedness and all around crapiness. We are, after all, at least partly, very bad creatures and if your going to bother to have an adult, intellectual, thematically complex game, you should not back off from portraying human nature as precisely that. Besides, at some point, in adult games, having really seriously horrifying enemies kinda relies on them doing terrible things. And a truly effective and realistic portrayal of War or crime would have to be pretty damn nasty. Of course, Sexual assualt and rape are a whole other level above these things. The Video game industry finds itself in the weird position of objectifying Women to this horrible unseemly degree and then pulling their little heads in whenever the Femenists or the Family Values busy bodies decide that they have pushed the limit. I mean, here is an industry which has thousands and thousands of one dimensional female characters whose only real distinction is how big their boobs are and how small the skirt is...But then, these same idiots get all freaked out when anyone accuses them of putting stuff in their game which exposes the dark side of sexuality? This is modern moronic (dare I say Liberal?) happy horse$h!t at its finest...lets objectify women...lets pull all those clothes off and make sure they all look like real $luts! And then, lets all freak the hell out when the negative consequences of precisely that kind of attitude appear. Good god, if only we were lucky enough to have a interesting female protaganist who has to fight off real world horribleness, like Rapist terrorist ********! But no, like most people in the entertainment industry, these people will push the bounds of good taste as far as they will go as long as its hip (such as sluttier and sluttier looking characters) but immediately run for the hills when the Politically correct police come down on them. These people need to let the medium mature. Its not as if Games are completely the territory of 10 year olds these days, are they?
  17. Things to do: *Make constructive posts *Make useless posts *Make posts complaining about the state of Halo 4 *Make Posts complaining about the complainers about the state of Halo 4 *Testify to the awesomeness of Awesome Dog and Twam, both of whom you shall likely never see *Pretend Twam doesn't exist and write a book called "The Twam Delusion" *Shout in the shoutbox *Troll in the shoutbox *Ignore the shoutbox *Spam emotes in the shoutbox *Ask stupid questions in the shoutbox *Bow down and worship the shoutbox *Pretend your the 343ibot in the shoutbox Welcome to the forums.
  18. Imma duck and cover right now before sheet gets real. Welcome back!
  19. Even though I loved the FR in the beta, it got nerfed, and while it is cooler than the Beam Rifle, it simply lacks any real punch. I'm not going to be scared of someone who has a focus rifle, you know? So that was the only one I voted to exclude. I'd be inclined to agree with you about the Carbine and the Needle Rifle BUT we already know that the BR and the DMR are in H4 Multiplayer. So, since they are keeping the mid range weapons from H3 and H4 for the Humans, why not do the same for the Covenant mid range weapons? It won't be fair to the covies if there are more Human weapons than Covenant weapons. Personally, I have fond memories of both the carbine and the Needle rifle and they both seem like fairly distinct weapons. Maybe 343 should do to the Needle Rifle what they did to the DMR and make it a longer range precision weapon vs. the Carbine.
  20. I don't know. I found that on a trololo vid. I thought it was pretty fantastic.
  21. Figures. I can't think of a favorite word right now.
  22. @Roun Friendly advice, try to make your posts more focused. What you say about Skill was interesting but truthfully you ranted quite a bit in there about stuff which would probably be better off in a completely seperate topic, even if it was loosely related to your original point. Also, I'd suggest not centering your paragraphs like that and indenting it from the left as is the normal. Its simply hard for people to adjust to reading something which isn't in the normal paragraph form, espiecally when its this long. BUT, with regards to what you said, I am not partularly good with precision weapons...I never EVER pick up the Sniper Rifle, and am just good enough with the DMR to live long enough to get in cover. Yet, I would not say I am bad at Halo, I'd say I'm probably slightly above the average in terms of skill, if we include casuals as well as expert players. My "Skill" in Halo has never been using the weapons well...frankly, the only weapon I am really good with is the Sword, and, I'll admit it, thats cuz I know how to take advantage of the radar and stay hidden by crouching...and camp around corners. My skill has always been second to second tactical decisions...I decide to go down this hallway to get here...I do that to do that other thing. Allot of people incorrectly conflate skill with the BR/DMR and Sniper with skill, and frankly, if that is what it took to win at Halo, I would lose 2 out of 3 times against decent players. People should always limit their conception of skill to the end result, not the methods taken to get there. I am skilled at hiding, camping and using the mini map. Other people are skilled at using Precision weapons. But the true measure of skill is, simply put, who won. All that said, I do think there are things which are "unskillfull" like Armor Lock.
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