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Wes Stone501

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Everything posted by Wes Stone501

  1. Yeah it'll make a come back. It was an amazing playlist for when your playing split screen and it's now a classic game type like zombies
  2. You want to limit what the community can do?... Why not get it out to the community for a longer time and then they can make better maps and game types, by the end 2013 is when the really amazing maps surface
  3. Forge world was an amazing thing Bungie did for the community! There are sooooo many fun maps and game types that spawned from it, even if it did make the other maps a little less relavent I think that is a very good trade. I would be very disapointed if 343 i decided not to ship it with the game!
  4. I would love to see the chopper again! By far the best vehicle addition to Halo 3! I doubt we see them unless we get some brutes in the campaign. Here what you do 343, you say that this part of the covenant/ elites took some brutes as slaves to fight!!!
  5. I think that if would be amazing! I doubt we see that in MP because if something like that were to happen it would be in spartan ops
  6. Do you mean like Halo CE or just "classic" halo like every one starts with the same gun and weapons don drop in and no armor abilities
  7. That's pretty cool! I hope it's not the E3 demo though...
  8. 343 has said that ther is a difference between Slayer and Infinity Slayer, I think it is a difference between how it is scored and what you can bring to the fight.
  9. Im glad we have falcon back but I just hope we get pelicans... I doubt it though. I would also like to see some of the vehicle from Halo Wars make at least a cameo
  10. Well it is a high tech tank... I think the way to balance it is to increase the effectiveness of the wraith, because the wraith is to hard to aim to be effective. They should add a lock on or somthing
  11. And there is a Wraith in the back ground, not a good look but now we can confirm that. And it looks like there is some Falcons up by the infinity
  12. Looks like they get the Infinity back up and running as well! Source
  13. @ XHN SCRAPY If they were doing internally why not the Halo 4 graphics engine and halo 4 assests. But I would rather 343 hire saber and certain infinity again and do the same thing as they did with anniversary and let you switch between new and old graphics. Then give me more maps (AND FIRE FIGHT!!!!!) for Halo 4! Halo 2 multi player was good back in the day, but I rather have the refined MP from Halo 4 (with all of the forge and theatre and all of those other fancy gizmos). Then stop with the remakes (even though I doubt they would even consider doing that because it's already on the 360 and still doesn't look bad) and then convince microsoft that they should include backwards compatibility for the next xbox so that they can rerelease these when ever and not have to do any work.
  14. @ Kaat S-081 I always thouught halo shouldn't have fall damage and more of a stun for a few seconds, and that would be a great way to implement it and you get a cool third person animation.
  15. Wes Stone501


    They actually look quite a bit different than the spartan with odst armor. But not in halo 4, it's practically the same thing!
  16. Wes Stone501


    I highly doubt that it's blue team because look how small they are compared to cheif. Spartans are 8 foot super soilders, not the size of those guys. It's true they are standing back a little bit but if they came up they wouldn't even compare to the cheif
  17. These look cool... but not something i would put on my spartan. I want MC new helmet and the one from anniversary and Halo Wars
  18. Wes Stone501


    They are quite a bit shorter than chief, like the ODSTs of the past and their helmets i could see as the halo 4 interpretation. Im still going to say ODSTs
  19. Wes Stone501


    Do you guys like the new look of the ODSTs from Halo 4? I think they look to much like spartan (or maybe they are who knows)
  20. I think that chief's armor looks awesome! It's similar to the spartan IV but for some reason they just don't have that look that will make me think halo when ever I see that like most of the other armor types from Halo 3 and Reach make me think Halo. I hope we will see some returning armor types!
  21. I would like that armor that's updated for anniversary. But more than anything else i want the armor from Halo Wars.
  22. The raptor skin from best buy looks awesome! i think im still going to get it from gamestop... I like the artic skin for the br
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