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Everything posted by Lancer

  1. That worked with Halo 3. That's why players rarely left, they would loose XP. But, with reach you didn't really suffer. If you left enough you wouldn't be able to play for 15 minutes. That's it. Not really a big punishment. So they need an XP system or take away so many cR every time you leave a game. It would work.
  2. Exactly. It should show you the score as well. You're not going to want to join a team slayer game that's has already been lost. I like the Battlefield 3 Server Search option. So that's always an option.
  3. I actually agree with this. I'm kind of against it because personally I don't like joining into late games of CoD. But, it's better than having your team quite and leave you to yourself. More than likely to get spawn killed and forced to quit yourself. So, I'm for it.
  4. I liked it for objective games. That's about it. For team slayer, it just seemed... unfair? One of those maps. Get the power weapons, get on the ridges of the map, and you'll dominate.
  5. I'm have arachnophobia. Thought I could handle it. Was not expecting something that big... that's... honestly freaky and disgusting. I'd have a come-apart if I had seen it.
  6. I'd like to see the ability to change weather (rain, thunderstorm, wind) and time of day. The best map editor I've ever seen was the Farcry 2 map editor. I'd love to see those elements added to Halo 4. It was perfect, flawless, and had infinite possibilities.
  7. That argument (if It's not a terrible joke), is invalid and has nothing to support it. I'm sorry, but that... that was terrible. It needs more behind it before it's taken seriously. I don't mean to bash you, but those points are not good points and they aren't defended well.
  8. I'd like to have jet-packs... Just not in multiplayer. Lol, parachute. So many instances John needed a parachute. Falling to Halo in CE in the second mission. Falling from the pod in the beginning of Halo 3. In ODST you wouldn't have to start of injured if you had a parachute.
  9. Do you ever wonder why we're here?

  10. Speaking of forerunner structures. The ones in Halo 2 were amazing. Underwater traveling systems. Floating plates from building to building across the sea. I remember being in complete awe over the scenery it had to offer.
  11. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. The art looks astonishing. The third image is my favorite.
  12. Spartan Laser. I mean... really. Spartan Laser. Just going around shooting cars, buildings, people. Using it as a nightlight when the power goes off in the house. It would be my best friend.
  13. I'm kind of upset, but at the same time; Halo 4 will be out soon so I really don't care.
  14. Well, I'd like to see this concept art. I'm really into art. Also, Rainbow Dash is my favorite.
  15. I would still LOVE to see a multiplayer map at night time and a storm raging on. You'd see the rain drizzle down your visor or spat on it. You could see it pelt off of other Spartan's armor. I just feel that it would add so much to the experience and since it's new you would notice so much more.
  16. Methane tank, replace the tank with a jet pack and set it off while he's sleeping.
  17. I would to see weather changes in multiplayer and have the ability to change it in forge, not just firefight. But, I still like your ideas.
  18. I wouldn't say it was that good in 3 either. I never really touched it. I would prefer it stay like the pistol in halo 2, in Halo 4 simply because it's a pistol and should be used as an emergency weapon when you really don't have nothing else to go with.
  19. Well. It opened the second time I tried it. My apologies. Voted. Simply because I know playfire is a legitimate site. I see why it was posted now. It's a profile link. Increases your chance of winning if you share your link.
  20. It does feel like a new game, but it's still very similar. I know I've played it before. It hasn't been that song since I played through CE. It may feel new to you if it's been a long time.
  21. Not an ability, but I'd still like to see a usable jackal shield. Maybe for campaign only.
  22. And I've only been here 2 days.
  23. Lancer

    MLG TV

    Welcome to the forums, and thanks for the info.
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