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Posts posted by cub759

  1. Why don't you go play some more assassins creed :rolleyes: though the energy shield is a good idea, but I think they should just bring deployable cover back. I think the player should be able to program their spartan bsed on their amor i.e. give them advanced hydrolics to increase speed and jump height. but they would have to weaken their shields to do this, and since the hydrolics would be faster but weaker so melee damage would decrease. Or they can make a spartan with powerful shields that sould lacunch small emp or cuncusive waves. but the power would be rerouted from hydrolics so they would be much slower.

  2. I would like more hidden content in campaign. The terminals so far have evolved from text to video, why not take it one step further and make terminals hold playable levels! Some sort of 'mini' campaign that parallels the main campaign. A cloaking ability that actually works would be a nice addition, no radar jammer, move faster before it weakens, and much weaker shields. I may catch some flack for this but I think sprint should be a player trait. It should be changed though such as causing weaker shields and the motion tracker to go haywire. But once again I want a ton of hidden content in campaign, or at least enough to keep the Halo community trying to find everything for at least two days :P And a longer campaign, maybe 15 missions per game.

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