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LWA Bonez

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Everything posted by LWA Bonez

  1. After thinking i decided to post it on here to make it less a hassle. To me I personally don't think we should "reboot" I enjoy Halo Reach a lot, I like the strategy and adaptation it creates when it a fight against others, I learned to get past pretty much all the abilities and learned how to use other abilities in ways they where never used before. I can Hi-jack a Ghost that is boosting to ram me for example, I like the Loadouts for Reach as well, What I don't like though is how all the maps became bombarded with Kill-Zones though, it makes true creations that could've been made either hard or impossible, and the limits of what we can have on a map also effect it, also the water physics for Forge World's waterfalls and certain areas of water look as if it was jello, I think they should take ideas from all the Halo games, maybe even make a O.D.S.T. style Gametype. Maybe even make a space battle Gametype where players get to battle it out in Seraphs and Longswords, that would be very exciting, maybe one or two maps. I'm sure many would like to have a space battle in them. I've done it in the campaign with my friends and had fun trying to gun each other down. Other good ideas is maybe increase the Max players to 32? If not atleast 20? And make the servers better. Invasion is my most favorite Gametype, and I think a 16 on 16 or a 10 on 10 would make it more.... Realistic to the Halo world more... Lively if I do say so myself. Also if u continue Invasion maybe make some more Invasion maps? Another cool idea is to re-implement the camo textures on the vehicles like on Avalanche on Halo 3. That was really amazing. Maybe do that for the elites too. Make Falcons and such more customizable as to what weapons they can carry. And make the passenger Warthog a actual Multiplayer vehicle, make the side of the tank where the treads armor plating to be able to have passengers with real players like in Halo and O.D.S.T.. re-implement the Spectre from Halo 2. As well? Also a really exciting mode to have to me is if the stars of Halo-Halo 3 I'm going to say are in Halo 4, is to have a Gametype that you have to defend a small dark encampment from the Flood, and have flashlights on the guns, that would be a pretty scary yet fun Gametype I think, like a survival type Firefight (1 life and gets harder and harder (no skulls) just more enemies and stronger shields and players have limited ammo and can only get weapons and ammo from whatever the flood drops) rather then a defend type Firefight (replenish-able ammo and health packs). Make the visors for the Spartans more customizable, like a hex pallet where we can have reds, pinks, yellows, oranges, greens, and other various colors, also definitely make the Elites customizable as well, I don't like having same-variant Elites as another guy I want to be my own, and the lights on the Elites should be customizable like its the Elites visor, also have all the Halo series helmets and armor available to all, and make some new ones of 343's own desire and creativity. And for the Spartans and their knives maybe make it so we can put are knife where we would like? And maybe re-implement the katana from Halo 3? I'd like to have it as an assassination weapon if u have it on your character (only 1 assassination is really needed it could have the energy sword assassinations as well it is a sword as well afterall), and the knives should be able to be on your arm, near around wrist, back shoulder blade, bottom of leg near boot outside to the legs not in between, near the side or back of hip, chest and waist. Also make the armor be able to have more colors like your should can be a color, and the helmet and the chest and legs and boots another with a secondary color implemented. Another idea I have is make the brutes a playable character as well, they have shields like elites but a little weaker but have stronger melee strength and health, and a different weapon base that could encourage players to strategize and create methods on how to overcome brute players. The Gravity Hammer was a disappointment to not have an assassination to it since the sword has quite a few the Hammer should have atleast one right, and the Hammer has a blade on it and would make a pretty cool animation to "stab-slam" (swing the Hammers blade upwards to dig up into the victims back then swing them upwards with a 180 arc, and a 180 twist of the hammer so the victim can hit the ground hard.) I do agree with the whole make Campaign and Firefight included with the TU updates to the Multiplayer. This is all just my opinion on ideas for Halo 4.
  2. Well I'm a big fan of halo and the makers of the whole series, and I greatly like 343's work so I'm rooting on you guys. Since I don't want to repeat what I'd like since its so long and I don't want to add another big post on what I'd like and clog the forums, here is the URL from another topic on this site mines post # 11. I don't feel like I should clog the forums with repetitive posts. Its just me. Ill post it on here tho if you don't trust the URL. Hope you like my post. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/6963-halo-reach-ideas-in-halo-4/
  3. To me I personally don't think we should "reboot" I enjoy Halo Reach a lot, I like the strategy and adaptation it creates when it a fight against others, I learned to get past pretty much all the abilities and learned how to use other abilities in ways they where never used before. I can Hi-jack a Ghost that is boosting to ram me for example, I like the Loadouts for Reach as well, What I don't like though is how all the maps became bombarded with Kill-Zones though, it makes true creations that could've been made either hard or impossible, and the limits of what we can have on a map also effect it, also the water physics for Forge World's waterfalls and certain areas of water look as if it was jello, I think they should take ideas from all the Halo games, maybe even make a O.D.S.T. style Gametype. Maybe even make a space battle Gametype where players get to battle it out in Seraphs and Longswords, that would be very exciting, maybe one or two maps. I'm sure many would like to have a space battle in them. I've done it in the campaign with my friends and had fun trying to gun each other down. Other good ideas is maybe increase the Max players to 32? If not atleast 20? And make the servers better. Invasion is my most favorite Gametype, and I think a 16 on 16 or a 10 on 10 would make it more.... Realistic to the Halo world more... Lively if I do say so myself. Also if u continue Invasion maybe make some more Invasion maps? Another cool idea is to re-implement the camo textures on the vehicles like on Avalanche on Halo 3. That was really amazing. Maybe do that for the elites too. Make Falcons and such more customizable as to what weapons they can carry. And make the passenger Warthog a actual Multiplayer vehicle, make the side of the tank where the treads armor plating to be able to have passengers with real players like in Halo and O.D.S.T.. re-implement the Spectre from Halo 2. As well? Also a really exciting mode to have to me is if the stars of Halo-Halo 3 I'm going to say are in Halo 4, is to have a Gametype that you have to defend a small dark encampment from the Flood, and have flashlights on the guns, that would be a pretty scary yet fun Gametype I think, like a survival type Firefight (1 life and gets harder and harder (no skulls) just more enemies and stronger shields and players have limited ammo and can only get weapons and ammo from whatever the flood drops) rather then a defend type Firefight (replenish-able ammo and health packs). Make the visors for the Spartans more customizable, like a hex pallet where we can have reds, pinks, yellows, oranges, greens, and other various colors, also definitely make the Elites customizable as well, I don't like having same-variant Elites as another guy I want to be my own, and the lights on the Elites should be customizable like its the Elites visor, also have all the Halo series helmets and armor available to all, and make some new ones of 343's own desire and creativity. And for the Spartans and their knives maybe make it so we can put are knife where we would like? And maybe re-implement the katana from Halo 3? I'd like to have it as an assassination weapon if u have it on your character (only 1 assassination is really needed it could have the energy sword assassinations as well it is a sword as well afterall), and the knives should be able to be on your arm, near around wrist, back shoulder blade, bottom of leg near boot outside to the legs not in between, near the side or back of hip, chest and waist. Also make the armor be able to have more colors like your should can be a color, and the helmet and the chest and legs and boots another with a secondary color implemented. Another idea I have is make the brutes a playable character as well, they have shields like elites but a little weaker but have stronger melee strength and health, and a different weapon base that could encourage players to strategize and create methods on how to overcome brute players. The Gravity Hammer was a disappointment to not have an assassination to it since the sword has quite a few the Hammer should have atleast one right, and the Hammer has a blade on it and would make a pretty cool animation to "stab-slam" (swing the Hammers blade upwards to dig up into the victims back then swing them upwards with a 180 arc, and a 180 twist of the hammer so the victim can hit the ground hard.) I do agree with the whole make Campaign and Firefight included with the TU updates to the Multiplayer. This is all just my opinion on ideas for Halo 4.
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