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Everything posted by Tohdoh

  1. Loving it here so far guys! Thanks!
  2. Hello Guys! I am Tohdoh. (Aka Roso132, HFT Chaos, Knightmarion) I've been apart of the 343i Community since early this year without an intro (April-May), I've never written an Intro so here's some stuff about me I love Halo: Reach and messing around in Matchmaking with friends but I also hold a competitive side to me, also know as MLG. 1v1's I very much enjoy, helps me become a better player. I love to cook, Game, joke around, and make new friends! Can't think of much else to say ^.^ I am however challenging each and every mod on 343i just to say i did Well thanks for reading! Hope to get to know you all better on here/XBox! Byzez!!
  3. Does biggles want to 1v1 and old challenger?
  4. Tohdoh

    MLG on halo 4?

    Tough choice, I'm working on H4 semi pro if anybody want's to play me
  5. Eclipse! 9 Exterminations! Only MLG Eclipse!
  6. Hey, this seems perfect for me! I am in a clan but I would love to be apart of the group and be "Hired" for clan battles ^.^ My GT is Tohdoh Kyoshiro, ill msg you ASAP on xbox
  7. We might be able to souls, I'll need to gather some "Good BTB guys for the match though." I'll get back to you on that. (What's the problem brute?)
  8. Interested in a clan match? Msg me on LIVE @ Tohdoh Kyoshiro
  9. Hey Boys/Girls! My gamertag is: Tohdoh Kyoshiro, and I'm looking for the best Halo players to join my clan, The Black Knights! We follow a different ranking system than most standard military clans and using the medeival knights ranking system (I improvised a bit). We have differnt areas within the clan, The members area are for people looking to join a clan and have fun "ALL.THE.TIME". Then we have the Competitive are for clan battles and MLG Team practice. Looking for a solid (Reliable) Hardcore 8 man Clan battle team that does MLG,Team slayer. In order to join the Competitive area you need: +K/D,Communicate (Know map callouts) and can be a support player for everyone (ONLY Competitive members are nominiated for clan battles)! Members are: Fun!!, Respectful. Ill brief you on rank if/when you join but to be honest im still working on it. Msg me on Xbox Or PM me on 343i Thanks!
  10. 4v4 MLG Team Slayer v7 8:00pm CST. Gamertag: Knightmarion, Clan: TBK ,AKA, The Black Knights!
  11. Actually the tournament didn't come through cause not enough of the teams that signed up joined when invited. So when we get another one going ill let you know.
  12. Did you change your Gamertag? I couldn't fin you on XBL
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