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Everything posted by Tohdoh

  1. I'd like to set one up with HFT. I'll message you on XBL right now!
  2. You should probably add you're Gamertag to the post so people know how to contact you
  3. Message HFT Chaos on xbox live and i can try you out also check out my site clanlog.enjin.com if you want more info
  4. What are the dates for tournaments? I will be gone sometime during the summer and don't want to miss this.
  5. Hey everybody our clan (HFT) is in need of somebody kind enough to stream/capture our Gameplay and clan battles so we can become more recognized. Any help would be greatly appreciated and we would return the favor as best we can. Thank you to anybody willing to do this for us . Please message me on XBL at: HFT Chaos if your interested . Good Luck Troops!
  6. literally just had to look it up
  7. Your right it is! I had no idea lol
  8. Getting some good teams here! Thanks guy's!
  9. Great! Hope to get some good teams in here
  10. Well I hope it sounds cool enough to sign up you can have as many 4v4 teams entered as you want
  11. Hey everyone we're having a clan tournament Saturday May 12th 5:00 PM GMT-6:00. All players encouraged to join! There will be no prizes for winning as this is just to get the word of our clan out there, show people we are skilled, and have a fun community day(MS points will be offered in future tourney's)! SINGLE ELIMINATION! Game-Type: 4v4 Slayer DMR's: Bloom is 50%. Loadout =DMR, Pistol, 2 Frag Grenades on maps: Countdown, Asylum, and Sanctuary. \ Please RSVP by messaging me on xbox live @ HFT Chaos. Please leave Team Name, Captain and Members Gamertags. Hope to have you join it'll be a blast! Good Luck Troops!
  12. Nobody want's to battle? I'm sure everyone needs a bit of training
  13. Sure id like to run a scrimmage game with you guys anytime! GT: Roso132
  14. And I meant MLG team not pro team( i hope to go pro)
  15. True I'm not semi pro I need to edit that and where did u get those stats from? Those can't be right.
  16. Thanks! No response yet but here's hoping
  17. Hey everyone my GT is Roso132 and I've started an MLG Team called "Origin". I'm having trouble finding people who are good enough to join, although anyone who does want to join just thinks its a silly team they can get on with any skill level...WRONG! I'm looking for the best of the best to tryout for my team! REQUIREMENTS: Microphone Knowledge of where you are at anytime on the map Every weapon spawn location Calling out And dedicated player. You do "not" need to change your GT, colors, service tag, or emblem Rank does not matter. Just skill and sportsmanship (I don't mind a little trash talk though ) Remember: WE ARE THE ORIGIN!!
  18. Ive got a team going to! Message me at my gamertag Roso132 and we can set a match.
  19. Hey everybody! HFT is looking for some clan battles and could use some practice. Any clans welcome and all the below game-types may be played so be prepared! (1 Team SWAT (2 Team Slayer (3 MLG (4 Big Team Battle (5 Team Objective Hope to get some battles going see you on Xbox Live! Good luck Troops!
  20. Clan HFT is the one for you! Friend me at my GT: Roso132 and we'll show you how good we are! If you're interested contact me if you like us then you can join. ( if you pass the tryouts.) you can also find our clan recruitment page on the clan forums.
  21. Message me at my GT: Roso132 if your looking for players that OD on big team battle, and invasion! We have quite good player such as me and all the other clan Generals. Maturity runs in our veins however i cannot say the same for every new recruit, but the immature gamers are usually low ranking clan members and you wont be seeing a lot of them. Hope you find a good clan buddy!
  22. Hey everybody! Clan H F T is will be holding tournaments most Saturdays and Sundays. All clans and players are welcome to enter just be sure to sign up by PM or send me a message via Xbox live at : HFT Chaos and tell me which Game-Type(s) you want to participate in. Game-types will be: (1 FFA (2 4v4 Slayer (3 8v8 Slayer (4 Team MLG v7 (5 Team SWAT Each team must have a leader. MS points will be given out to the winner and will get H F T clan help for match-made achievements and Daily/Weekly challenges. Good luck Spartans!
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