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Grunt (1/19)



  1. killamyte


    Has bloom been confirmed ? Would you like to see bloom back ? Personally i would never like to see it again, but maybe as a custom game option, anyone agree ?
  2. perhaps its not dead yet but i would appreciate if you guys would play i need a lot of gameplay footage im trying to make a video , i dont have many friends that want to play it anymore
  3. i want to see the free super in-depth stat tracking like the halo 3 one about how many players ever played or how many enemies have been killed overall by everyone i just love to look at those statistics sometimes
  4. Hey halo fans , im having one last all nighter on halo 3 and i also will be putting a lot of the video on youtube but i need your support just send killamyte a friend request and ill invite you it will probably start next friday at 12:00pm EST ill keep this post updated so just keep checking back we will be playing ALL GAMETYPES please help me out and join the last giant party on halo 3, hope to see you guys there.
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