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I don't see this really changing much about Halo. Maybe the types of players that will be in MM, but that's all.
Lieutelant started following Halo 4 CTF , MLG won't be coming back.. , Halo 4 Living Dead and 7 others
There isn't really any difference between Flood and Zombies. Thruster=Evade. The only problem I have with it is when people are cowards and go hide on some part of the level they really aren't supposed to be (like the rock in the back of Complex). But that happens a lot less often than it did in Zombies. And I don't like when I kill a lunging Flood, get a Bulltrue medal-and die anyway. That's just broken. It's a fun gametype, but it's my least played one. Agreed.
I started using the DMR and Magnum, but now I think I'm going to use the BR more. The reason for that is that I want to rank up my commendation for the BR, and that's the eaisiest way to do it. The Magnum works really well in close quarters, but I'll switch to my rifle if I know I'm about to walk into a long distance area.
Sweet list. There's a few on there I didn't know about, mostly game specific or real high sprees. Gives me something to aim for. I think that one is broken. My friend got it once by getting three seperate kills, not a triple kill.
^Agreed. There were a few issues with it that would need to be fixed before I would bother using it. The limited field of view plus a lack of guns for the pilot, and the stuff Bloody Initiate mentioned above for the gunners. It would be nice to have a similar vehicle, it just needs a bit of work.
Real Halo means as the game designers made it. If they only wanted 5 weapons, no radar, different movement speeds and shield strengths and gun strengths, levels built differently, etc, then that's what they would have made. But it's not. MLG redesigns the game. It's a glorified custom game. Protecting your flag with a power weapon has always been a part of Halo-it is, after all, a good strategy. Any decent player will expect it and be ready to counter it. And I always love when people rage about the assault rifle. It just tells me you're angry at being killed that way so often, because you haven't found a way to fight it. I really don't have a problem with them putting an MLG playlist in. Seems like 60% of the players I avoid for quitting or Unsporting Conduct are affiliated with MLG. If we could get them all into a seperate playlist, that'd be great.
None of the other Halo games had an MLG playlist when they were released either. Since MLG players can't play real Halo, it takes some time to adjust everything for them. I don't care for MLG, but if it would get the wannabe's out of regular matchmaking then yes, please do release it soon.
If they were going for realism in their "physics engine and moving objects around in the world" then they completely failed here. When somebody runs at you in the real world, are they able to push you around like your standing on a sheet of ice? In reality they would just bounce off you. I don't see this as something 343 needs to fix, I see this as something the players need to fix, by paying attention and not running into their teammates. Don't stand directly behind me. If we're running toward each other, angle off to the side or jump.
How could you forget ROCKET RACE! I'm talking the original version, with Mongooses. This definitely needs to come back. It was an user-created gametype that be came so popular it was built in to Halo Reach-but they removed it completely from Halo 4? That just doesn't make sense. I would also like to see Big Team Slayer changed to Big Team Battle, so Objective gametypes are included, such as Assault and CTF. And the CTF playlist should include One Flag CTF.
343industries.org You Tube Submission Thread
Lieutelant replied to Absolute Dog's topic in Announcements
So um, what's the link for this channel? Might be useful. -
My two cents: Complex is a terrible CTF map. One team's flag is right out in the open, and the enemy can stand on top of the building and shoot at you from a distance. You can't stand anywhere near your flag to defend it, you die before you can get to cover on 50% of your spawns, and if the enemy takes your flag, you can't chase them without getting sniped from the roof of the building. The enemy's flag, however, is closely surrounded by walls, allowing them to defend easily, and their spawns are better protected. I don't remember what the colors are, but the team whose flag is in the open is at a severe disadvantage the entire game. Also, I would like to see an occasional 1 flag game.
They removed the Rocket Race variant, so don't expect to see that. Ever.
Why aren't Ravine, Impact, and Erosion in multiplayer?
I would really like to see the following maps come back-but real ones, not Forge made. Avalanche The Pit Guardian Standoff I don't think there are enough small, fast paced maps, so The Pit and Guardian would help that out. Avalanche and Standoff were good for BTB, especially CTF. Standoff need a little more cover though, once the vehicles were dead it always just turned into long range DMR/BR, which was pretty boring.
I am absolutely loving BTB heavies. I'm really glad they didn't make it like Halo 3 and fill it with too many anti-vehicle weapons. I am disappointed to learn about the bonus points though. It's supposed to be vehicle focused, why are they giving bonus points for NOT using a vehicle? And if I DO use a vehicle, why am I being punished? In the last game, I got 41 kills-and only 30 points. Another player only got 19 kills, but he got 28 points. That is completely unfair. It's no longer a Slayer game, it's some sort of Action Sack game, where you have to kill a certain way in order ot get points, but killing another way will cause you to lose points. It's just stupid.