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Everything posted by Auramyst

  1. What's the difference? ...Laptop? I guess...? Auramyst or One?
  2. They should add a trueskill rating system in addition to Halo: Reach's ranking system.
  3. How about all of the above! Space would be pretty cool
  4. For...... SWAT they should have the primary weapon a BR and the secondary weapon a DMR....
  5. Yes, let's hope Jeff Steitzer (the announcer) returns for Halo 4! I wonder if he's helping 343 out....
  6. Yes, but in Halo 4 they need to ditch the BTB heavies and add some new playlists.....just sayin like a gametype called No-Scopes which could have a setting where it's impossible to zoom in.
  7. Halo is one of my favorite games, but I wouldn't say it is the BEST game ever created.
  8. Google Chrome. The only bad thing about it is that it freezes from time to time and you have to logoff your user and log back on.
  9. They should provide services and more.......for example a roughly accurate estimation for how long it will take you to get inheritor and for your next rank
  10. 4/10 again yeah i fixed it you can rate it now
  11. Try reselecting it. This happens to me a lot....well it used to, but not anymore, because I reselect it.
  12. www.halo.xbox.com You can no longer use Bungie.net.
  13. Ohhhh the days!!! It was actually May 9..my 15 year old brother (14 at the time) was playing Reach....so I decided to give it a try and got hooked onto it. My brother eventually stopped playing though. This is how I got interested. But I played like Halo 2 when I was 10 in such but didn't enjoy it as much.
  14. That sounds very unlucky! I hope you solve your problem.
  15. I almost pissed my pants (no not really) because that was so funny!
  16. CONGRATZ!!!!!!! <3 donut is it still too late to congratulate?
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