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Everything posted by LordReaper

  1. Honestly dude if ur a halo fan and cant find much use for the ps3 then id sell it or do a trade in. I played on ps3 and im like u alot of my friends was on xbox. So ya trade or sell it and get u a new xbox and have fun again with ur friends.
  2. I went with theme wish they would load the pics already.
  3. Some of us knew she had to leave. but i was told not to say nothing but seems it was leaked lol. but she will be back when she can.
  4. Welcome to the forums.
  5. Way to go saints about time.

  6. Welcome Back tho i dont know u yet lol
  7. Posting this cause it will bring alittle smile to ur face or so i hope lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_161856&feature=iv&src_vid=PU8n0Eashoo&v=3KQk6oqszJ0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU8n0Eashoo&feature=g-all-lik
  8. "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war".

  9. Gratz dude hopes its something u enjoy,and dont try to blow ur money once u get it lol
  10. Whoa that is a nice map amazing u got it like that on that map. nice job
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