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xXDavid 038Xx

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Everything posted by xXDavid 038Xx

  1. Mo Fo im going to Wild Adventures for my school field trip WHAT NOW!!!!!!

    1. Percy Jackson

      Percy Jackson

      I'm going to LAs Vegas for mine.lol

  2. i spray painted my hair black and other random colors

    1. Anarchy
    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      that's probably not good for your hair...

    3. xXDavid 038Xx
  3. i would like to play infection as well in halo 3
  4. i think firefight should have pelican and odst drops
  5. i cant wait for halo 4 also i want to know when the beta comes out

    1. ArrowHyphy


      I heard its closed beta. I wanna know where to sign up

    2. Bobo Magroto

      Bobo Magroto

      Would love to join the beta :D


  6. i cnat wait for halo 4 sowhen is the beta coming out

  7. i cnat wait for halo 4 sowhen is the beta coming out

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