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Posts posted by Undead

  1. Would be OK but would you image how many hours you would put on creating a map...I mean for some people that have time to lose and spend a whole day doing a map go ahead but i would prefer just more stuff to put in the current forge system


    Some Halo maps aren't built in one day though. You could always save it and come back to it later.

  2. That's really sad... They spoiled the disc art and main menu for me too... :(


    You should put a "mild spoiler" alert in the title! xD

    Funny, Halo 4 is going to be a 1 disc game..

    Possibly a clever trick by Jtaggers. It is more then likely they Jtagged Halo 4 into their achievement list and used homemade pictures for the menu.


    Spoiler warning? For what? I know you said Mild Spoiler but its only the main menu and disc art. Nothing is being spoiled about the game at all I think its fine.


    And its definitely not a trick. If you click the links that lead to their profile you can see Halo 4 on their recent games. You can also compare achievements. You can clearly tell that that is legit.

  3. You guys may have noticed I've been inactive for a few weeks and I'm sorry for that. My Uncle was in bad condition and needed a new liver. He recently just passed away today and I still need a little time off. I'm sorry I cant be as active as I use to be right now but in a few weeks I should be back on. And Absolute Dog I'm sorry about blowing you off all the time I just couldn't think straight at the time and I apologize for that. I promise I'll be able to talk to you when I come back for good. This community is great and I'm proud to be part of the staff I just didn't know how to tell you at the time about my Uncles condition. But I should be back in a few weeks I might pop in every now and then but if I'm on Xbox I will most likely be talking to my close friends and trying to take my mind off things. But this isn't a goodbye... I'll be back.

  4. Not trying to troll or hate but neither. My one friend has the MW3 Turtle Beaches and my other friend has a pair of Trittons and I hate them both. I have Astro A40s and they're amazing. I've actually been saving up for the A50s as they look amazing. But both headsets aren't that good in my opinion. Trittons hurt my ears and the Turtle Beaches have some issues with sound at times and will occasionally make a ringing noise.

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