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Everything posted by Undead

  1. Here's the link to the article: http://halocouncil.c...otes-Break-Down Here's someone talking about a list of things in Halo 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0-RgSR-klWE
  2. Undead

    The Halo 3 Chopper

    I wasn't a fan of the Chopper. But if this was a thread talking about the Prowler coming back I'd be right there with you.
  3. I agree with you. Nothing was better than playing Infection on Valhalla! That and all the other Halo 3 maps were fun to play Infection on.
  4. Agreed, when they did the sound comparison for Anniversary I almost died. It was amazing!
  5. I'm not sure if this has already been talked about, but the new OXM article states that currently, "HUD Markers let you know where the power weapons are on the map. We saw prompts for a shotgun and rocket launcher." What are you views on this. I think this will make the game much more intense and fast paced.
  6. Undead

    What is Spartan Ops

    This is going to be amazing! I'm so pumped for this game. November is so far away!
  7. Undead

    Halo 4 Signature.

    I used a program called Gimp. Its a pretty amazing program once you get a hang of it.
  8. I love how balanced and fun the multiplayer is. You can literally play by yourself for countless hours and still have a blast. It blows my mind how epic the multiplayer is. I also love the story behind Halo. The whole game itself is what I love about it the most. I also love the books.
  9. Elite Ops would be pretty interesting. Maybe when the game comes out there will be future Downloadable Content that allows you to play as Brutes or whatever Covenant Enemy you want to play as.
  10. Halo Wars is still a fun game. It was something different and was a great game. It really surprised me because I thought it wouldn't be good, but I was wrong. I'd love to see a Halo Wars 2.
  11. I personally love this style:
  12. That was amazing, someone made Master Chief out of salt once. I think its on YouTube. Both are amazing!
  13. I wouldn't mind a prestige mode if the exp to rank up is decent. But if its anything like Reach then no.
  14. For the campaign and Spartan Operations. Who knows, you might be able to play as Elites in custom games. Judging by the fact they only made the story line for matchmaking.
  15. They made a story for why red is versing blue. The multiplayer will only be Spartans. Elites were hard to get head-shots on anyways and they made a lot of retarded noises. haha
  16. I love the way the new DMR looks. That was a pretty cool mash up by the way.
  17. Hopefully they allow you to pick if you want to join in session or start a new game because I hate when I join a game in session and the game is already over or your team is getting destroyed. It also messes up your Win/Loss ratio.
  18. I got dibs on Pennsylvania! 1,000 Infantry Soldiers 100 Flight Vehicles 100 Generals 8,000 Snipers
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWqqKZKlMz8 This game looks epic! I cannot wait until September.
  20. I'd like to see a life sized replica Battle Rifle... that would be boss!
  21. I would like to see an Armor Ability that extends a grenades explode time when a grenade lands by you. So when someone throws a grenade at you its delayed and you'd be able to get away from it.
  22. Undead

    DMR vs BR

    The Battle Rifle is a lot better if you know how to use it. But the I'd prefer the DMR for longer range.
  23. I would like to see one, 343i needs to let people use their ideas before release. Even though I am 100% with 343i right now I still think a beta is needed.
  24. Alright I will explain how the weapon customization should be. You only get to customize two weapons. The Assault Rifle and the Battle Rifle, then you can pick the grenade type you want, next you will be able to select the armor ability you want, and finally you will be able to pick the perk. I will explain the load-out below. Primary Weapon - Battle Rifle Grenade - Plasma Armor Ability - Jet Pack Perk - For the sake of argument lets say one of the perks is faster reloading. Then every piece of armor you get will help customize your load-out... for example. If you would buy a chest piece that has extra mags on it then you could use them. Same with extra grenades. So as long as your armor has a certain things on it your weapon ammo and grenade count will be the same. But if you have extra mags or grenades then you will have more. I think this idea would help balance the game and will bring a lot of customization into the game. Discuss your view on my idea and tell me if you will change anything or not and if you will then what will you change?
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