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Everything posted by Undead

  1. The button layout is fine. You can adapt to it rather quickly.
  2. Well lets see Bungie made all the previous Halos (obviously) all of them were great (in my opinion) and I honestly think if they made Halo 4 it would also be amazing. 343industries is doing a great job though. I think they need to make a giant studio and name it Bungie Industries and make Halo together and make the ultimate Halo game. haha
  3. Its only good for team based games. Like if you want to see where the person went that killed your teammate and you think he went behind a wall you just flick it on and you can see where he is. But it only lasts for a second or so and it only goes a few feet in front of you.
  4. So this past week I was over in Los Angeles California and I got to play many new games and had a blast. But right now I want to talk about one specific game and that will be Halo 4. I will explain more below. The first day of E3, which happened to be Microsoft's Press Conference, they showed campaign gameplay to everyone that was there and everyone that was watching it through their Television. But after the Press Conference was over a few booths were opened for people to play and check out and one happened to be Halo 4 and it was the campaign mission shown at E3. The gameplay felt very similar to the Halo we all know and it was very exciting and fun. The controls were a little different but you can adapt to them very quickly. I had fun messing around with the new weapons and looking at the scenery. The graphics are simply stunning. But after I played the campaign and beat the mission and ended the demo I went to a few other booths and headed back to the hotel and got ready for day two of E3. The Second Day of E3 had a lot of shocking announcements and a few new things added to the booths. In Halo 4s case it was multiplayer. The multiplayer was great! It definitely felt like the Halo Multiplayer we all love and know. The Battle Rifle is still powerful and still my best friend in combat. The DMR is also great especially for long range. The assault rifle is powerful and seems a little more accurate than the past Halo games but its still mainly effective at close range followed by a bash. Assassinations are also back, as many of you knew, but they are sick! If you thought the Halo Reach assassinations were amazing wait until you perform these you'll be in love for sure. Fall damage... was not in the multiplayer from what I could tell. I jumped off a ledge and was perfectly fine. I'm not sure if I was high enough or not but I thought I was decently high and jumped to test it out and I hit the ground unharmed. The armor abilities are well balanced already and are very fun to use. We also got to select some armor as my guy was rocking the classic Recon I switched to Soldier because just looked awesome. But I had tons of fun playing this game and I hope you guys have the same feeling on November 6! If you guys have any question relating to Halo 4 ask me and I'll answer it to the best of my ability. But remember this was only a Beta at E3 everything can still be changed.
  5. No 343industries has arleady confirmed that multiplayer takes place on the Infinity which is a spartan IV training program. So it will only be Spartans vs Spartans.
  6. All of them are great... but I like Theo's the best! Nice job man!
  7. Time takes us all.

  8. I pre-ordered it from GameStop I cannot wait!
  9. Its most likely an opinion Dino... I think hes saying Halo 4 is going to outsell Black Ops 2. Which might be true but the Call of Duty franchise is huge its going to take a lot of Xbox fans to beat the Call of Duty franchise. I mean its on the Xbox, PS3, and PC so it might not outsell Call of Duty but it will definitely be Game of the Year. Halo 4 is just amazing!
  10. Okay lets point out everything that's wrong here: This is a community forum; no 343i employees are on this forum there for your complaining is pointless here. You said its a recreated version of Reach... I'm sorry but your wrong on so many levels there. I got to play the game at E3 and it has some of Reach's features but you can tell it changed... and for you to judge a game that you haven't played (or isn't even out) is just ignorant. And finally you said its $60... for another Reach game. Try $60/$100 for a game that has a very good chance of winning Game of the Year. 343i knows what they're doing. Just deal with the fact Halo has to change and that its changing for the best. 343i knows they are being watched through a scope of millions of doubters and they want to make this the best game ever... and trust me it will be.
  11. Yeah this was confirmed awhile ago actually; it seems like a pretty good idea and I love the fact you can rank up in playlists again!
  12. Okay I did my last update. Thanks for the feedback everyone! If I can go next year as well I'll do the same thing!
  13. 100 Likes! Woot!

    1. Azaxx


      Good job, now catch up to Absolute Dog..lol!

  14. Never mind I didn't go to bed yet. But I did add the Dates and Time for my tournament! Check it out: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/9703-my-1v1-tournament-bracket/

  15. Well I'm off to bed I have to get up early for E3 again! I cant wait! I'll keep you all updated.

  16. I know Vista sucks but bear with me here. Halo 2 doesn't need remade at all. Halo 2 Vista has Achievements and Multiplayer and there's still a way to connect to the Halo 2 servers and play online through the Xbox. I'm not saying it wouldn't be a nice thing to see but its just not necessary and I want 343i to make new games and games from different points of views like Halo Reach but from the Chiefs perspective.
  17. A game like Halo Wars needs to be on PC. I mean it was still an amazing game on the Xbox but in all reality this style of game works a lot better on the PC especially for online. It could be like 30 on 30 on a huge map where you can have a ton of bases and have a massive battle. Now that would be legit!
  18. There is definitely some room for a sequel but before 343i would make this I would like to see another Halo Reach game but from Chiefs side. The books are amazing I want to see it in game form. Especially Sam. He sounded like a complete boss! haha
  19. There will definitely be skulls and terminals that unlock achievements and gamerscore but hopefully they unlock other things like Armor I think that would be amazing. But whatever its not a "must have" its just something that I would like to see.
  20. Yeah they look amazing! And the middle guy looks like he has scout on.
  21. You can now view weapons, characters, vehicles, and read more information on Halo 4. There's also an Environment and Armor section but they're currently unavailable. (Sorry if this was already posted) Here's the link: http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Halo-4/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024d530919
  22. I'm not sure how I got to attend. All I know is that last week on Thursday my parents told me that we were going to LA that they bought E3 tickets and I was the happiest person ever. haha
  23. I like them a lot. Its something that sticks out. Nice work!
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