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hyabusa ninja

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  1. yea master chief is kicking there but at first but cortana thinks there not the actull covanet army she thinks there a rebelion or a rouge army cause there armor is not the standord amor of the covy and they havnt tryed to make any contact mabie they just dont they dont speak english but the real covy do.
  2. sorry but 343 does not care for system link even in the past halos they never cared about your system link. they rather focuse on the large partys that play the game witch is causale xbox live gamers thats why mlg player or try hards get so piss with the most little change they do what get them paid witch is bring in the most sold games right now kids like COD so there heading in a more COD feeling for the game
  3. that will never happen it was just horrible people would buy boosted accounts and it wasnt accurate in skill you just like it cause you think you look bad ass with a 50 on your service record SCRUB!!!! plus halo is going in a completly diffrent deraction then halo 3 cant you tell by reach so either like it or get off it.
  4. more like mutliplayer and forge/ custom games on one & campain theater firefight on the other
  5. really frigates thats the dumest thing ive ever heard why dont you get curative and build your own da* frigat really all that due is lag the crap out of your map and kids would just post two frigates and say " hey guys look at the asume map i build " and A.I's thats not guna happen thats to mutch to ask for its more complicated then it seem's and the hole fire fight forge thing is even more dumb the AI's would get lost and run into wall and no matter how mutch fun that seems its not in the mind of 343 but things that could be cool is the- Terminals- you lay down a terminal and you write messages thats not impossible and not a bad idea Dead bodys/ blood- love it makes infection maps seem more alive could be used in screen shots or mabie forge the body in the ground and only haved a hand pop out of the ground and make a grave that seems like living dead is happening transports air- the pelican is a mabie just because of the size it would be the biggest flying machine in the history of halo 4 and if happen probly wouldnt be to many of them. But looking at the eliphant from halo 4 it was much bigger and halo magazine said halo will use all of the xbox's horse power so the pelican is not imposible. transport ground. the eliphant would be asume it was a icon in halo 3 and it was big but slow a moving empire- and mabie they would bring it back who knows. the transport warhog would be bad ass so mutch you could do with that like racing mabi a death race kind of thing deploy 5-6 people around the map unless a tank gets you hahaha. mabie a small armor tank like the Grimlem in halo wars even know it wasnt used like that in halo wars. transpot water- we have never had a water deployed vehical it none the less a water base map yea in reach forge world there was alot of sea but you couldnt go ver far out so mabie we can get some of those but not likley. keep that in mind
  6. ive been looking up some stuff for halo 4 and i agree with most people it sound like an intirley diffrent game the fun part of halo 2 & 3 was you spawn with the same weponds you didnt hav armor abilitys that make you better then someone else you hade to find them now guns spawn randomly thats ******* gay and now the higher rank you are the better weponds you can spawn with thats just lam whos guna want to come in to a game were you dont even get a fair chance this is the last stand for me if multi player suck agian like reach im done with video games 343 idustrys have failed us i knew this would happen they are thinking they know best and that they can change what they please its bull **** we the community should have a say on what goes into the game and what dosnt
  7. Your wrong mater chief wakes up and cortana notices that someone is boarding the ship and chief brakes these doors open with his bare hands then he sees a intire fleet of covanet it was in the halo 4 magazin
  8. You dont know what your talking about 343 industrys hase already anounsed that they will be doing this in the ocooner interview its fact now rumor
  9. or one forge world with all of those skins mix into is it would be less data and i think it would be better EXSAMPLE: infection game type and that you are running to some sort of ship or telipoter and you shut into outerspace cool right
  10. being able to make objects dissapeare when ever you wonted them to would be great for any game type like mabie for doors or briges ECT. also makeing blocks or any object move around when your in a custom game so you could make like a moving ship or what ever you can think of.
  11. Iv'e read that the Battle Rifle and the DMR is going to return in Halo 4 that is going to be intresting on how they are going to balance both of those into matchmakeing like witch one is going to be better or are they going to be the same if so whats the point
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