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Everything posted by RoosterTeethFan

  1. yeah and all 90 of you can live in the past together.
  2. i thought so the quality is so bad it as to be a 343 troll.
  3. Firepower is going to give you two primary weapons but prob at a cost like both guns are nerfed it takes more bullits to kill then if you just had the one primary.
  4. your like one of the only person on here that agrees how stupid halo 2 and 3s ranking system was i new level 23s who were bette then level 40s. as for the question about jetpack. well its being called a thruster pack which i think means its a jetpack but not as strong in reach you could fly up outside of the map the jetpack so OP i think there making it more like double your jump hight so you have a little hight advantage the thing with reach armor abuilitys was how unbalanced they were 343 described it as 2 rocks 4 paper and that there trying to make it more like rock paper scissors everything should cancel each other out.
  5. If you dont want these things play halo 3. its still going to be halo are there still guns shields melee and grenades those are the most important things to a halo game and there all there why should i have to walk 5 feet to pick up a BR why cant i just spawn with it? and the weapons are not random they spawn in the same places just the weapon it self will change to another location for example i go to get the spartan laser on last resort instead its a sniper rifle and the spartan laser has spawned were the sniper would little jimmy isnt going to get lucky and have a rocket spawn next to him in a corner. as for killcams who cares? i just hope you can turn it off if you want to i like them but i get why some people dont i want a finnal killcam though. As for custom loadouts halo was dieing sorry people its true no sprint was really annoying and slowed the game down it couldnt keep up with other FPS its finnaly starting to evolve in what seems to be a good refeshing way while still being halo will just have to wait and see.
  6. it has nothing to do with the new ideas it had to do with the way they were executed im sorry but reach was the most halfassed halo ever. 343 seems to be trying to make things bore balanced give them and the new ideas a chance just because jetpack was in reach doesnt mean its going to work the same way in halo 4.
  7. sounds like someone needs a time machine because theres a game like this its called halo 1 2 and 3. the game needs to change it was dyring 343 is just breathing life into it while still keeping it halo.
  8. Im really sick of this. this video should shut everyone up!
  9. this should shut everyone up! [media=] [/media]
  10. i could see that seeing as how they havent stopped the leaked footage and have said nothing about it yet there prob doing it to get hype for E3 and its working.
  11. dude why did you bring up cod here we go.
  12. you know what if you want a classic halo play halo 1. but halo was dieing it was loseing steam and needed new life in it 343 is giving it fresh air its evolving games do that dont like it dont play it.
  13. agreed and i dont want stuff on campaign i want to play it and enjoy it.
  14. um halo anniversary? and way to hate on halo 4 before you have seen custom loadout gameplay.
  15. no way ths would be less like halo then loadouts lol.
  16. well for one its a trilogy and two you really think they are going to kill chief at the end of halo 4 whenthey have another two halos to do?
  17. i am so damb done with this whole cod is turning into halo bull**** halo is evolving it cant go back to halo 3 or it would not sell well halo was loseing steam and is now getting some much needed fresh air into it.
  18. im calling bull on the attachments there doing tactical perks as we know like regen shields and stuff plus armo abuilitys and custom classes i think attachments would take away from the balance of the game.
  19. agreed and halo needed this it was stail an losing steam time to evolve a little.
  20. to everyone saying hardlight shield might be like armor lock i bet its more like deployable cover.
  21. hate to say it but thats just to bad because this stuff is happening so suck it up. i think it will still feel like halo what are the most important pillars of a halo game guns grenades and melee those arent going anywhere.
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