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Everything posted by RoosterTeethFan

  1. well said and we dont even really know how halo 4 rank system is going to work yet.
  2. maybe the librarian has the blue ones?
  3. agree with that it make sence. but idk about adam and eve being in halo.
  4. i wouldnt worry 343 says theres even more customization then in reach which should mean lots of helmets as long as i have recon and scout im fine but i really like the soldier one it looks like a samurai helmet i also like the default it looks like Optimus Primes head!
  5. NO!!! i dont want EMP grenades vehicls will be useless!
  6. she might be doing the right think but her temper shows how rampant she is. this was a good find.
  7. sounds like you dont hate these helmets you just hate 3 of them.
  8. i like it ill know now if im hitting a target.
  9. drop shield is gone and where did you hear jetpack was gone id like to see the artical or video please.
  10. thats going to be awesome im doing sniper or the gunner. i wonder how many there are hope theres a close quarters one to.
  11. were have you all been lol armor lock is gone thruster pack is like evade and hardlightshield is like the jackle shield but no weapon in hand and you move slow.
  12. based on past halo games your right but in halo 4 who knows the assault rifle looks powerful to me.
  13. i hear there will be a promethean grenade.
  14. i dont see the point of say the spik nade it did what the plasma grenade did just less of a boom but i did like the incinerator.
  15. look halo needed to change or it was going to be left behind in the trash can. theres a whole generation out there who hasnt played halo and has been oppened up to huge amounts of customization in COD BF and GOW do you really think there going to want to play a game that only allows change of character model and colors no loadouts or even sprint thats what is being suggested here. i want halo to evolve not stay the same like COD has done. this amount of change isnt going to make halo more like COD but less like it because halo knows how to keep things fresh unlike COD.
  16. iv heared talk that hardlight shield may be in for capture the flag and other objective games. but who knows will have to wait and see.
  17. I also dont like the titles "this is not halo" and "halo 4 is gonna suck" sucks or "get your cod out of my halo" if it was "my problem with halo 4" or "what id like to see changed in halo 4" id be okay with these but these halo bashing titles are just asking for fans to come over and start a huge rude argument.
  18. id love it to return maybe as a secondary? id atleast like it to return in Halo 5. GOOD TOPIC KRob!
  19. why cant there just be one topic called "WHAT I DONT YOU LIKE ABOUT HALO 4?" and all complaints go there its just annoying how many topics there are on this.
  20. the biggest problem with bloom in reach was the randomness of it while in halo 4 bloom will always work the same way not to mention it has been reduced. and if you dont like how it works use a BR or a carbin.
  21. i love the way the game looks everything looks like its from the future as for the sniper i like everything about it excepte the scope which is to big.
  22. its just for capture the flag lol. and in red vs blue the characters are not red or blue only sarge and caboose are griff is orange and tucker is teal its not a big deal lol.
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