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Everything posted by RoosterTeethFan

  1. i picked green vs yellow it be nice to play as differnet colors you know change things up a bit plus green is my favorite color.
  2. A while back some photos were released of capture the flag being not as its always been red vs blue but as green vs yellow. So my question is what would you want green vs yellow capture the flag or red vs blue capture the flag?
  3. Hornet all the way give a wingman a spartan laser and the other a rocket and its over. also the hornet has rockets on it.
  4. really wow i must be blind as a bat i even went and looked to make sure it wasnt anywhere else oh well my bad guys.
  5. The title speaks for it self looks awesome even though its only a minute long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8me1cD01Lw&feature=g-all-f
  6. looks like a good map judgeing on trailers and leaked pictures and now it has a nice little story.
  7. if anyone wants a good place to get halo 4 info check out ducain23 on youtube faster and gives better info on halo 4. and someone answer me this whats Halo4fallower going to do when halo 4 comes out?
  8. At first i really hated the blues, reds and yellows on the medals but now im starting to like them they have a nice unique style to them. Your thoughts?
  9. its only going to be for certain playlists.
  10. just because it WAS THE weapon in halo 3 doesnt mean its going to be THE weapon in halo 4 shoot in halo 1 it was the magnum dont judge weapons as they were but as they are the BR is good but it doesnt look like it will be the best thats just me.
  11. well i like the needle rifle it could come back just be changed a little like the DMR was.
  12. the needle rifle may not be coming back.
  13. its not an automatic its a singleshot like in halo 3 but wow the gun looks like a beast.
  14. seems like a good skill weapon but seemed to destroy the BR and DMR.
  15. got to go with brand new one of the great things about the original 3 games was the amount of new maps that made for good times and created nostalgia when playing them again. no one will remember swordbase or powerhouse in 3 years time. sandtrap lockout bloodgulch and last resort are timeless hope halo 4 has maps that bring that feeling to it.
  16. I watched this footage and i dont know if it was the guy playing or if the gun was just awesome but it seems a little overpowered could it be the lack of recoil or bloom? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaUKzacCTdk&feature=g-all-u
  17. to everyone talking about people running away with sprint you know that if you get shot while sprinting you slow down alot.
  18. not really the BR was the god weapon in halo 2 and 3 if they kept it the same nothing could compete and then everyone uses the BR so its good there changing all the guns around a little bit.
  19. looks beast the scope is like a halographic scope that are used today. and the only other different thing is the color.
  20. i really enjoyed the needle rifle but i doubt its coming back as the carbine is filling its role and carbine>needle rifle. hated the focus rifle is sucked ba....well you know. as for the beam rifle i loved it but again doubt its returning cant wait to try out the forrunner light rifle and what ever forrunner sniper comes out.
  21. BR i just love it because it can be used in many situations but i will use the DMR and i cant wait for the covie carbin!
  22. um last i checked halo 1 2 and 3 were about master chief and so is this one so it should be called halo 4 because it is continuing the main story linethat makes it a sequel the multiplayer doesnt deside the name smart guy if that were the case halo 2 an 3 should not be called that because they made huge changes to halo multiplayer to.
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