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y0u g0t murked

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. obviously that guy didn't take the time to read the entire thread. and good job spamming this thread. at least you bumped it, even if you had nothing to add to it.
  2. please give me 1 good reason why i just spawned DIRECTLY NEXT TO 3 enemies on countdown 4 LIVES IN A ROW!!!! actually give me any reason it doesnt even have to be a good one....
  3. how is evade OP? that's like saying your dmr is more powerful than mine. it's just ridiculous. camo and armor lock are much more overpowered than evade. people have been complaining about armor lock since day 1 and nothing has ever been done about it. agreed it IS terrible but it WAS good. before 343 took over, i NEVER EVER, not even once had someone spawn directly behind me, or even in my proximity for that matter. 343 changed something for the worse.... yes sir. it's happened to me repeatedly. yet again, that never used to happen. back in the hayday of this game, the spawn system was pretty good. i do not think designing a spawn system is easy, or anything even close to easy. i'm not arrogant enough to think i could do a better job. but i do think things were changed for the worse. please don't put words into my mouth either. i just said the people who vote for elite slayer and RHR are not the brightest crayons in the box. i never accused the developers of the same. if i were to just send 343 an email, that would not alert the rest of the community to my concern. which in turn would not allow other users to add input either. i feel making a thread is a much better alternative to an email. i understand you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and i know my initial post was not the most tactful thread i've ever made. admittedly i was a bit angry when i made this thread, but overall i believe i still have a valid point. for the record, i never cursed, and never called the developers any names. those were directed at users.
  4. before whatever person in charge of the spawn system decided it was a good idea to have people spawn right behind you. is this game now call of duty 9 "REACHAROUND" ? i stopped playing reach for a while, came back to it, and now it's practically unplayable. i usually play multi-team or BTB and it happens in both games quite frequently. i have witnesses and friends who can confirm someone changed the spawn system for the worse. also why the heck is evade not available in (practically) any playlist? was it because all the bad kid randoms cry b/c they get owned by better people using evade? /end rant
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