And furthermore, as far as not wanting to unlock weapons... Why??? I think there should be a tier for each specific kind of weapon. You should start with a gun in each tier, and then be able to unlock more weapons in that tier by using the previous weapon in the tier. Ex: Snipers> <Assault Rifles> <Submachine Guns> <Explosive Weapons> etc. You should unlock attatchments, but at a slower and less influential intervals. What I'm saying is, no 12x zoom on pistols, and stupid stuff that gives weapons a new use and meaning entirely. I think there should be a longer beta than they had for reach, because alot of the problems that reach had weren't solved until after release. I think we should be able to edit our control layouts in any way we want, because the transition between Halo and CoD or Bf3 really sucks. I want to be able to ads with the left trigger, because Halo isn't the only game I play, and it's not fun going back and forth. There's alot of things I would change about Halo, but what I'm looking for is a more advanced version of Halo 3 with some Battlefield (and maybe Battlefront too?) traits in it. The issue with that is retaining that nostalgic feeling we had in Halo 1-3. In Reach, I didn't have that feeling. With how cut and dry the game was, I really had no place in the multiplayer. I'm not good at '5 shotting', and that puts me at a severe disadvantage. I just want Halo 4 to have a pick up and play aspect to it, where anybody who can understand the controls can play it.