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Ryuke Hellfire

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Brute (5/19)



  1. Halo 4, strategies, and the answer to why we're standing here...

  2. Definitely Limited Edition for me. 9 free maps down the road? I'll take that bargan...
  3. Limited Edition for me. If you just want the game, go with the standard edition.
  4. Welcome to 343i.org, cookie for you.
  5. Can we get back to talking about me? /sarcasm Btw Ganon, nice signature.
  6. Given the fact they were confirmed for Spartan Op's with new and excitin upgrade possibilities, I'm sure they will be available elsewhere.
  7. I like the idea. At least now I'm not going to be penalized for having a teammate quit...
  8. Interesting theory, but there's a few plots holes, key one's at that... which your missing out on.
  9. I heart you bashful brute... I had almost completely missed this one and I noticed your thread...
  10. In your pink armor too I take it? You'll get my vote purdy spartan...
  11. Sergeant Johnson is happily turning over in his grave. May he forever rest in peace... that is until zombie Johnson rises for the Halo zombie apocalypse game... hey, a guy can dream right? Welcome to the forums.
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