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    Edmond, OK

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Please tell me I'm not the only one who reads someone posting about MLG and instantly cringes. The MLG community is (as someone previously mentioned) full of trolls and most are just as talented as the rest of us at games. They're just trying to make a buck at tournaments, the rest of us are in it for fun. Does that give them a better, stronger, more educated opinion than the rest of us? Not really. They play the games more than us, but they don't represent the entire demographic. Wait...I'm getting off topic here.... Just about everything that is "leaked information" can be taken with a grain of salt until you hear it from a credible source. Heck, even multiple good sources. Most "leaked info" is speculation based on released screenshots, press demos and whatnot. As for Halo 1/2 being the best...I can almost agree. The skill gap was noticeable. New players would have a steep learning curve against seasoned opponents. It was obvious who had played more and adapted in those games. Though you have to realize that games are, indeed, going to evolve and adapt to new and popular features. If we had a rehashed, graphically updated Halo 1/2, then it would feel mundane and old. Too easy even. Instead of complaining about the changes, try to see how you can use them to your advantage and take an early lead against the newbs.
  2. I agree, it really seems like DLC has become an after-purchase cash hog that you "dont have to buy", but you know you're not getting the full experience that you thought you were getting with your $60. I too bought the "From Ashes" DLC for ME3. It felt like I paid for another portion/fraction of the game that was obviously ready day 1 and developed at the same time as the game, as well as being already on the disc, but simply held at arms length from you like some kind of carrot-on-a-stick. I understand that Microsoft, Sony, and game publishers almost demand DLC from their developers/creators. It helps boost console popularity and holds/regains game interest after the initial purchase (when released later than launch), as well as getting the extra $$ out of their games for some financial longevity. Its capitalism. Do I like it? No, I'm poor and barely have time to play the $60 version of my games these days. Heck, I haven't bought any MW3 maps. Luckily BF3's Back To Karkand stuff was free. Maybe I'm just mad cause I know that I'm still going to shell out cash for something that I most likely already paid for and there's very little I can do to change that.
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