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    Colorado Springs, CO, USA

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Think back to H2. Those servers were not taken down for about 5 years after H3 came out. I think it's safe to say H3 still has some life in it. They may take them down and they may not. There are plenty of games out there with hardly any playerbase that have been out for ages and still have xbox live connectivity. I just re bought halo 3 odst today and started up and saw TONS of low level players online so obviously people are still buying the game. I also agree with this. People also get recommended to play the earlier games from friends or if they are unhappy with the current market.
  2. Been playing this more for the jackpot and the fact that I can't go into MLG alone without getting destroyed. Seems to have revived the playlist a bit. I always see quite a few people online playing.
  3. I've played a bit of SWAT and so far, like the OP stated, I only really have seen Reflection and Countdown. Occasionally I'll get Zealot, which I believe is a fun, fast paced map. I think the small selection of maps does get a tad repetitive and would enjoy seeing some new added maps. Maybe some people can make some nice balanced forge maps specifically for SWAT?
  4. @Spectral Jester I sent a FR to it but it hasn't been accepted. Guessing you get a lot though so no worries.
  5. I used to be an avid halo player (1,2,3) but due to life had to back out of the scene for a while. Just recently got back into Reach under a new gamertag and I'm looking for people to play with. Feel free to check out my stats on halo tracker if they matter to you although I haven't played that much yet. GT: Kittennation Hope to meet some new friends and see you guys in game.
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