As I have posted in another thread:
"It's not just that Uncaged and Pinnacle were my two favourite maps for SWAT that makes this update a negative one for me; It's also that you've now removed any level of variety from the map selection. I've been stuck playing the same two maps repeatedly, to the point where I no longer find any enjoyment in playing at all. It's a constant cycle of people camping around the green lift room in Swordbase, or the top of the elevator in Reflection, meaning the whole game is spent within around 20 square feet of the given map. Not fun. Honestly, Uncaged and Pinnacle always received a good amount of votes to play. Why would those be slated for removal above something like Powerhouse which almost never got selected? If people didn't like the maps they wouldn't have voted for them, it's that simple. Please, PLEASE, consider giving us our SWAT fun back."
I cannot understand why two maps that were almost always the favourites in voting would be the ones to be removed. While I was playing SWAT the night that the update took place many people were asking why those two weren't showing up during the voting chats. The removal was noticed and immediatly people were saddened by the loss of variety in the game. Seriously, I know that if 343 was to put a second Team SWAT mode into play (which incuded Pinnacle and Uncaged) that there would be more than enough people playing it to keep it running, hey, I bet even if it was JUST Pinnacle and Uncaged there would still be decent traffic to that server.