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  1. The only thing they did right was bring back the carbine, not the assault carbine. JUST THE GOD DAMN REGULAR ONE. WAY TO KILL HALO 343!
  2. I am sure most of you have heard, but the game informer cover of H4 has been leaked. SOmeone scanned the entire article onto the internet. After spending the last 20 minutes reading it, I can safely say that Halo 4 looks like the biggest fail of a game I have ever seen. I am sorry, I had high hopes for this, but as far as reach was a departure from H3 and H2, this takes the cake. For those of you that do not know I will sum up, AA's are back and you can purchase them at higher levels like CoD, Sprint is standard, weapon spawn are not set, they are drop podded in to prevent skilled players from being skilled, they are adding in X-Ray vision to see through walls and prevent anyone 1 shot or protecting the now random power weapons from staying hidden, there is instant respawns to completely F-Over anyone who just won a BR fight and it 1 shot and hasn't already been cleaned up by an xray toting idiot, and you can join in-progress games to put a definitive NO on the "will there be a 1 - 50 true-skill system like in H3?" question. Halo 4 sounds completely moronic. Let me explain all that is wrong with those changes. 1. Instant Spawns - THIS IS NOT COD!!! You are not 1 shot 100% of the time like in cod where that mechanic doesn't matter. In Halo you have shields and require 4 shots. If you are playing a game and you kill someone they can just instant-spawn back and kill you while your shields are low. Effectively shafting better players because they had the audacity to be better than an other player and kill them, oops, your dead for being better. 2. Jet-Packs and other AA's - Jet-packs destroy map design, plain and simple. Armor abilities in general do nothing more than screw up a good flowing MP experience. Why should someone carry around the right to be invisible any time they want, or have temporary invincibility to save all unskilled players from a certain death, nope, armor lock to again destroy the better player who had them dead. Don't even get me started on this new Forerunner Vision X-Ray garbage. That is quite possibly one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. Okay, now you can no longer hold onto a weapon, retreat when 1 shot, or plan an attack without the other players knowing exactly what you are doing. OMG, this makes me mad just thinking about it. X-Ray vision again takes a shot at the knees to players who actually took the time to become acclimated to the game and, oh God, were loyal to the series and played enough to get a thing I like to call anticipation. 3. Randomly Spawning Weapons - Okay, lets continue to chop down the loyal, regularly playing fan-base by not allowing them to time weapons or the now non-existent power-ups. Timing weapons is something simple that every player can do, but only the good ones ever seemed to remember to do, so what dose 343 do now, oh, lets see, take yet another thing away from the competitive Halo base. The excuse, "it ads more points of focus to the game." Okay, great, not the team winning by 3 with 2 seconds left gets a rocket spawning in the middle of their base, what does the other team get, plasma pistol, GREAT IDEA!.....Why couldn't you leave something as simple as weapon spawns alone, my goodness could you mess anything else up? 4. Joining in game sessions - YES YOU CAN! So now to fix the problem of quitters, you get join mid game. Okay, common scenario, oh, i join a game, my team has 12, the other team, 49 and 50 as I join, oops, there is a loss that I got without participating. There goes my 50..... oh yeah, there is no 50 because if you had them, you'd probably need to buy a few hundred thousand TVs for raging gamers who put their controllers through theirs. Now, just like reach and every other non-competitive POS game on the market there is no skill measuring system, just a stupid RPG style if you spend time you will rank up system, lovely. Final Thoughts. Why does this game go from being oh boy, a return to the classic halo series that was so successful to boy what a POS this will be. It is like 343 has taken a battle axe to the players who loved the game and spent time on it to get good and gave a big fat F U to everyone who liked and was good at Halo. Now all us 50's from H3 will get to be put on par with first timers since there is no more hiding or escaping, no more player intuition, no more timing, NO MORE SKILL OR REASON TO PLAY. So let me take this time to give a thank you to Bungie for making H1, H2, and H3 the best competitive games on the market (I will forgive Reach), and give a than you to 343i for making me drop the last part of my childhood I was looking to hold on to and destroying the best MP game on the market and thank you again for removing all stat tracking from H3 and destroying the last game I love and any evidence that Halo ever had a good game in the series. I guess you guys all thought that video games were juvenile and that we all should grow up. Guess I'll be, and it burns my tongue to say this, playing CoD from now on, at least they improve their games, even if they still aren't as good as H3 or H2. P.S. For anyone who doubts my information I have attached the link to the scanned in article, take a gander and you can be the judge. Goodbye to anyone who I played with or against over the years, best wishes everyone, and finally, Goodbye Halo, you will be missed.
  3. I am sure most of you have heard, but the game informer cover of H4 has been leaked. SOmeone scanned the entire article onto the internet. After spending the last 20 minutes reading it, I can safely say that Halo 4 looks like the biggest fail of a game I have ever seen. I am sorry, I had high hopes for this, but as far as reach was a departure from H3 and H2, this takes the cake. For those of you that do not know I will sum up, AA's are back and you can purchase them at higher levels like CoD, Sprint is standard, weapon spawn are not set, they are drop podded in to prevent skilled players from being skilled, they are adding in X-Ray vision to see through walls and prevent anyone 1 shot or protecting the now random power weapons from staying hidden, there is instant respawns to completely F-Over anyone who just won a BR fight and it 1 shot and hasn't already been cleaned up by an xray toting idiot, and you can join in-progress games to put a definitive NO on the "will there be a 1 - 50 true-skill system like in H3?" question. Halo 4 sounds completely moronic. Let me explain all that is wrong with those changes. 1. Instant Spawns - THIS IS NOT COD!!! You are not 1 shot 100% of the time like in cod where that mechanic doesn't matter. In Halo you have shields and require 4 shots. If you are playing a game and you kill someone they can just instant-spawn back and kill you while your shields are low. Effectively shafting better players because they had the audacity to be better than an other player and kill them, oops, your dead for being better. 2. Jet-Packs and other AA's - Jet-packs destroy map design, plain and simple. Armor abilities in general do nothing more than screw up a good flowing MP experience. Why should someone carry around the right to be invisible any time they want, or have temporary invincibility to save all unskilled players from a certain death, nope, armor lock to again destroy the better player who had them dead. Don't even get me started on this new Forerunner Vision X-Ray garbage. That is quite possibly one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. Okay, now you can no longer hold onto a weapon, retreat when 1 shot, or plan an attack without the other players knowing exactly what you are doing. OMG, this makes me mad just thinking about it. X-Ray vision again takes a shot at the knees to players who actually took the time to become acclimated to the game and, oh God, were loyal to the series and played enough to get a thing I like to call anticipation. 3. Randomly Spawning Weapons - Okay, lets continue to chop down the loyal, regularly playing fan-base by not allowing them to time weapons or the now non-existent power-ups. Timing weapons is something simple that every player can do, but only the good ones ever seemed to remember to do, so what dose 343 do now, oh, lets see, take yet another thing away from the competitive Halo base. The excuse, "it ads more points of focus to the game." Okay, great, not the team winning by 3 with 2 seconds left gets a rocket spawning in the middle of their base, what does the other team get, plasma pistol, GREAT IDEA!.....Why couldn't you leave something as simple as weapon spawns alone, my goodness could you mess anything else up? 4. Joining in game sessions - YES YOU CAN! So now to fix the problem of quitters, you get join mid game. Okay, common scenario, oh, i join a game, my team has 12, the other team, 49 and 50 as I join, oops, there is a loss that I got without participating. There goes my 50..... oh yeah, there is no 50 because if you had them, you'd probably need to buy a few hundred thousand TVs for raging gamers who put their controllers through theirs. Now, just like reach and every other non-competitive POS game on the market there is no skill measuring system, just a stupid RPG style if you spend time you will rank up system, lovely. Final Thoughts. Why does this game go from being oh boy, a return to the classic halo series that was so successful to boy what a POS this will be. It is like 343 has taken a battle axe to the players who loved the game and spent time on it to get good and gave a big fat F U to everyone who liked and was good at Halo. Now all us 50's from H3 will get to be put on par with first timers since there is no more hiding or escaping, no more player intuition, no more timing, NO MORE SKILL OR REASON TO PLAY. So let me take this time to give a thank you to Bungie for making H1, H2, and H3 the best competitive games on the market (I will forgive Reach), and give a than you to 343i for making me drop the last part of my childhood I was looking to hold on to and destroying the best MP game on the market and thank you again for removing all stat tracking from H3 and destroying the last game I love and any evidence that Halo ever had a good game in the series. I guess you guys all thought that video games were juvenile and that we all should grow up. Guess I'll be, and it burns my tongue to say this, playing CoD from now on, at least they improve their games, even if they still aren't as good as H3 or H2. P.S. For anyone who doubts my information I have attached the link to the scanned in article, take a gander and you can be the judge. Goodbye to anyone who I played with or against over the years, best wishes everyone, and finally, Goodbye Halo, you will be missed.
  4. I am sure most of you have heard, but the game informer cover of H4 has been leaked. SOmeone scanned the entire article onto the internet. After spending the last 20 minutes reading it, I can safely say that Halo 4 looks like the biggest fail of a game I have ever seen. I am sorry, I had high hopes for this, but as far as reach was a departure from H3 and H2, this takes the cake. For those of you that do not know I will sum up, AA's are back and you can purchase them at higher levels like CoD, Sprint is standard, weapon spawn are not set, they are drop podded in to prevent skilled players from being skilled, they are adding in X-Ray vision to see through walls and prevent anyone 1 shot or protecting the now random power weapons from staying hidden, there is instant respawns to completely F-Over anyone who just won a BR fight and it 1 shot and hasn't already been cleaned up by an xray toting idiot, and you can join in-progress games to put a definitive NO on the "will there be a 1 - 50 true-skill system like in H3?" question. Halo 4 sounds completely moronic. Let me explain all that is wrong with those changes. 1. Instant Spawns - THIS IS NOT COD!!! You are not 1 shot 100% of the time like in cod where that mechanic doesn't matter. In Halo you have shields and require 4 shots. If you are playing a game and you kill someone they can just instant-spawn back and kill you while your shields are low. Effectively shafting better players because they had the audacity to be better than an other player and kill them, oops, your dead for being better. 2. Jet-Packs and other AA's - Jet-packs destroy map design, plain and simple. Armor abilities in general do nothing more than screw up a good flowing MP experience. Why should someone carry around the right to be invisible any time they want, or have temporary invincibility to save all unskilled players from a certain death, nope, armor lock to again destroy the better player who had them dead. Don't even get me started on this new Forerunner Vision X-Ray garbage. That is quite possibly one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. Okay, now you can no longer hold onto a weapon, retreat when 1 shot, or plan an attack without the other players knowing exactly what you are doing. OMG, this makes me mad just thinking about it. X-Ray vision again takes a shot at the knees to players who actually took the time to become acclimated to the game and, oh God, were loyal to the series and played enough to get a thing I like to call anticipation. 3. Randomly Spawning Weapons - Okay, lets continue to chop down the loyal, regularly playing fan-base by not allowing them to time weapons or the now non-existent power-ups. Timing weapons is something simple that every player can do, but only the good ones ever seemed to remember to do, so what dose 343 do now, oh, lets see, take yet another thing away from the competitive Halo base. The excuse, "it ads more points of focus to the game." Okay, great, not the team winning by 3 with 2 seconds left gets a rocket spawning in the middle of their base, what does the other team get, plasma pistol, GREAT IDEA!.....Why couldn't you leave something as simple as weapon spawns alone, my goodness could you mess anything else up? 4. Joining in game sessions - YES YOU CAN! So now to fix the problem of quitters, you get join mid game. Okay, common scenario, oh, i join a game, my team has 12, the other team, 49 and 50 as I join, oops, there is a loss that I got without participating. There goes my 50..... oh yeah, there is no 50 because if you had them, you'd probably need to buy a few hundred thousand TVs for raging gamers who put their controllers through theirs. Now, just like reach and every other non-competitive POS game on the market there is no skill measuring system, just a stupid RPG style if you spend time you will rank up system, lovely. Final Thoughts. Why does this game go from being oh boy, a return to the classic halo series that was so successful to boy what a POS this will be. It is like 343 has taken a battle axe to the players who loved the game and spent time on it to get good and gave a big fat F U to everyone who liked and was good at Halo. Now all us 50's from H3 will get to be put on par with first timers since there is no more hiding or escaping, no more player intuition, no more timing, NO MORE SKILL OR REASON TO PLAY. So let me take this time to give a thank you to Bungie for making H1, H2, and H3 the best competitive games on the market (I will forgive Reach), and give a than you to 343i for making me drop the last part of my childhood I was looking to hold on to and destroying the best MP game on the market and thank you again for removing all stat tracking from H3 and destroying the last game I love and any evidence that Halo ever had a good game in the series. I guess you guys all thought that video games were juvenile and that we all should grow up. Guess I'll be, and it burns my tongue to say this, playing CoD from now on, at least they improve their games, even if they still aren't as good as H3 or H2. P.S. For anyone who doubts my information I have attached the link to the scanned in article, take a gander and you can be the judge. Goodbye to anyone who I played with or against over the years, best wishes everyone, and finally, Goodbye Halo, you will be missed.
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