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Everything posted by doulie

  1. doulie

    Number Levels

    Please bring back number levels at least for MLG in halo 4. The current ranking system gives competitive players very little incentive to play.
  2. doulie


    I don't know where to begin... OF COURSE we haven't played H4 yet, but heres why we can comment on it... because i have played halo 1-Reach. So all the idiots saying 'you haven't played the game, you cannot comment on it' i can comment because i have played every other halo game... i know what worked and what didn't. There is a reason why halo went from being the forerunner game for the xbox ... the game that launched MLG and kept it alive to being the game that was a hair away from being removed from MLG all together. And here's a tip for all the short bus riders out there ... it isn't because the game stayed the same. Halo 2 was by far the best halo, other than the modding that could've been fixed. I can say that after spending endless hours on all the halo games. COD was successful and stays successful because they found something that worked and didn't change the entire game every 2 years. COD more or less release the same game every time with a few updated maps. And the fans love and buy it every time. Why can't 343 see that? Why do they feel the need to make a different game?
  3. doulie


    @ OP i agree with you completely Someone asked for a perfect game? H2 was a perfect game. Not the COD copy that 343 seems to want to release later this year. Literally NOTHING that i was hoping to see returned in halo 4 has happened. 343 seems to be spitting in the face of hardcore halo fans in hopes of pulling in new players... and that is always a recipe for failure. You want to make a game with xray vision, no spawn time and weapons falling from the sky? Feel free to do so, but don't call it halo. The reason why COD is successful isn't because it removes what works to try new things... lets face it all the COD games are the same game with a slightly different story If you want halo 4 to be successful -Brink back number levels (ranking system) -Put more effort into making game play COMPETITIVE -And stop trying to be Call of Duty, H4 should be paving the way for COD not the other way around.
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