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Everything posted by BIocKade

  1. With that being said though, I'd still 1000 times prefer the halo 2 rank system over a halo reach style, so I'm not necesserily disagreeing lol.
  2. The only awful 50s were people who bought them/ got boosted to them. The highest rank SHOULD be achievable but to a fairly small amount of people (i.e. maybe 5~10%), something h3 accomplished well. There was pretty much no way of reaching the max level in halo 2 - hell, if you were above a 30 you were an excellent player; my point being, shouldn't excellent players be able to reach level cap?
  3. I loved both Halo 2 and Halo 3s rank matchmaking system. I prefer 3s a little bit because reaching a 50 in Halo 3 was more obtainable than in Halo 2 in which it was virtually impossible without cheating. I definitely don't want a repeat of Halo: Reach - that type of matchmaking system is awful because it rewards you based on how much you play, not how good you are, hence a no-talent matchmaking system.
  4. What are you doing to please the competitive gaming community? Things the competitive Halo fans are in favor of..... *Matchmaking system which gives a representation of player skill - NOT how much you play. A poorly skilled player should not be able to achieve a higher rank/level than a skilled one. You've stated you aren't going to use TrueSkill - so is this new system you're implementing going to appropriatly rate people based on how good they are? Or does it just reward you with rank ups for playing, and the max level can be acheived regardless of how often you win? *First of all I'd like to state my disappointment in no longer being able to enjoy vanilla halo. With that being said, if armor abilities are a must - there has to be playlists without them, enabling the classic halo gameplay feel. I'm sorry, but it's hard to take MLG seriously when there's people flying around the map on jetpacks, it just damages the core gameplay feel of halo that we've come to love. *Enabling joining games in progress literally renders win/loss ratio worthless. This is because you will almost always be put on the losing team, the game is likely to be too far in to possibly turn around, and you just pick up the loss for joining. I can already see the following scenereo happening: "oh sweet I found a match" , joins, and the player is put on the losing team with only a kill left until the other team wins, "game over? i didn't even get to play - and now I pick up the loss for joining". There are other features mentioned which I'm not entirely thrilled about but am willing to give a chance. 343i - do not ignore the competitive gaming community. They are the fans that will stick with your game, buy all the dlc, and play it for years. One of Halo's distinctions from games like COD is that it was an extremely competitive and level-playing-field shooter; halo is becoming more of a casual, and I especially feel this vibe based on the released information.
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