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Everything posted by DeadlySniper19

  1. E3 is a several day event, correct? Do you think there will be even more Halo 4 reveals in the next couple days?
  2. The college I attend, Champlain College, has several different gaming majors. - Game Design - Game Programming - Game Art & Animation I know one of the courses they would have you take is 3D modeling and animation. I'm not majoring in gaming but you should definitely check it out if you're looking to become a game designer, my friends in the program love it. They might want to see a portfolio as part of the application process, not entirely sure, you'd have to submit a collection of things gaming/art related that you've created, maybe using photoshop for example. Things that would help prepare you for such a major are taking any graphic design related courses, and general computer courses such as AP computer science (you'd get a freshman year course waived if you took that in high school).
  3. Reading your story brought back some fond memories for me as well during the halo 2 days, my highest was a 34 in Snipers and man was I proud of it lol. Wouldn't it be amazing if they were to do a complete remake of h2 but with the technology they have at their disposal in the present day? Realistically though, things have to change and Halo has to evolve and move forward..... but I strongly agree with you that a matchmaking system which accurately displays player skill and matches people accordingly is a must. Make social non competitive playlists for the casual gamers so they can have their fun, and ranks and competitive playlists for the competitive-natured gamers who always want to perform their best. We just have to hope that 343 isn't one sided on this issue and will be willing to create a matchmaking system which has something for all kinds of gamers, competitive and casual.
  4. Did they get rid of aim assist? Or does the player just have really poor aim?
  5. Yeah pretty much this. 343 acts like it's hard to please the competitive community, when all we really want is a classic playlist and matchmaking system which actually reflects player skill. Too much to ask of them I guess, but yeah will not be getting it. Also I know classic playlist is confirmed, but there's no motivation to try in it if at the end of the match I'm rewarded with level ups regardless of whether I won or lost. I'm not trying to make people who are excited for halo 4 uninterested though; if you're a casual player and just like playing for fun, I'm sure you'll have a blast with halo 4. The competitive community is getting ignored however, as in, the people who play for the rush of competing over levels, intense matches, and trying hard. We can no longer get our competitive fix with halo anymore and it's sad.
  6. . Basically during the playtest, pictures were taken, one of which displays the progression system in a post-game screen; it appears to be the same rank up style with exp as halo reach. Thoughts? I personally wanted a 1-50, share your opinion.
  7. hysteria in both mlg and customs, and elamite in mlg. *edit* forgot about t2, interestingly came across him in team slayer, and he was a complete *******.
  8. As long as it's a system which accurately reflects player skill then I'm fine with it, however this wasn't really indicated by that interview. Will wait on more info I guess.
  9. So despite 90% of the community requesting a 1-50 matchmaking system, they're using the no talent required exp level up system where if you just play, regardless of how bad you are, you get rank ups. sweet....
  10. If you're in favor of a matchmaking system which has no representation of player skill, then why not, in a halo 3 system, just play social while the actual non-casual players can enjoy climbing levels? Why make the competitive community suffer when you can have both ranked for competitive players and social for casuals like you?
  11. This. Anyone who wants the join session in progress either lacks the ability to comprehend it's implications, or intentionally wants it so halo becomes even more of a casual (win/loss ratio will mean nothing).
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