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  1. I want a good story. And a long one too, full of content. Halo 3 had a fun campaign...for the 2 hours it lasted. Halo ODST had a fun campaign...despite how very very slow it is to go through a city on foot with no one to shoot and your mongoose a piece of rubble. Halo Reach...had a long story that did not fit in at all with game lore. Halsey was at castle base for instance, not a funny looking ice cave. But halo CE and halo 2? Full of content, long, awesome, plain fun, and just awesome. And the stories..they were amazing. Everything fit so well and grabbed your attention and made you feel stuff ^^ so 343 better not pull a bungie and focus on multiplayer AFTER promising a very good campaign. Because that gets old real fast if you dont care one way or another for competitive online multiplayer. Multiplayer is awesome, dont get me wrong, but how bout the people who cant afford or just dont have xbox live? Do they get just 2 hours of gameplay and forge? Because i will be severely dissapointed if i see another halo 3. Dont let me down 343, anniversary is the best lookin halo thats come out, i just hope you can make the next game not only the best looks, but the best content wise in both single and multi player.
  2. I may be a bit crazy but I think terraforming our own maps would be an excellent way to continue and improve. It makes perfect sence with what 343 industries has said about the UNSC Infinity having a 'virtual playground' for the SP IV. Plus, that would be an excellent way of keeping people interested in the game, because there is always that new map on fileshare thats like nothing you've ever seen. And maybe cortana will stop complaining about it not being a natural formation, cause it'll be made of notartificial (forerunner walls are articial O.o) materials and look like a cool cave! And also, if your watchin 343, if someone makes an absolutely awesome map, you might be able to turn it into something to use in the multiplayer campaign story : > just thinkin
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