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vl Campbell lv

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Everything posted by vl Campbell lv

  1. Halo 4 Ranks Pirvate - 1000 xp Private first class - 2000 xp Specialist - 3500xp Corporal - 4750xp Sergeant - 5500xp Sergeant first class - 7000xp Master Sergeant - 9000xp Warrant Officer - 12000xp Cheif Warrant officer - 13500xp 2nd Lieutenant - 15500xp 1st Lieutenant - 17000xp Captain - 20000xp Major - 23500xp Lieutenant Colonel - 27000xp Colonel - 32000xp Brigadier General - 39000xp Major General - 45000xp General - 55000xp Field Marshall - 70000xp Secretary of Defence - 100000xp
  2. Reach's Ranking im my opinion was awful, i would like to have a ranking system with just millitary ranks, no nova no inheritor just from private to Five star General
  3. Dream Gametype For Halo 4 Okay This gametype i would call "War" there are two bases in a desert, inside that base are mongooses, the aim of the game is too leave your teams base / safe zone, and enter the battlefeild / Warzone, the objective to to retreive a certain package and return it to your base to score points for your team, this package is not marked on HUD players will have to use Radar to find it, once it is picked up it is permantly marked on HUD which will make it harder to return to your base without being killed. aswell as the main objective scoring kills / capturing the objective will earn you spendable points, theese points can be spent on weapons/ veichles and maybe even personal AI odst squads or marine squads to assist you. A teams base will consist of a barracks, an armory, and a veichle Depot. 343 if you have read this i would love to see this gametype in halo 4 Regards Matt Campbell
  4. Its a great idea but 343 will have to make some changes so its not exactally like battlefront, personally i would like something fresh and something that i havnt played before.
  5. Has anyone read my previous post about a possible gametype War.
  6. imagine a game type where both teams have their own base where they cannot be killed (safe zone). whilst in their safe zone they can spend points that they earn on weapons/ veichles or AI squads o protect them. the objective of the game is to leave the safe zone and enter the warzone and retreive a package and return it to you base, for this you personally score many spendable points for yourself and a point for your team. this package can be placed into a veichle and returned. it will stop players team killing each other for weapons/ veichles and brings tome teamwork in to halo. a base consists of an armory/ a garage and a barracks. teams spawn in the barracks and pick up an battle rifle and head out on mongooses to get early kills/ points. this could be a 30 min game type and i think it would be alot of fun. this is what it could look like. I would name the gametype "War"
  7. okay in the shower i just thought up an awesome gametype for halo 4 ! its a bit hard explaining it though just thought someone would like to know..
  8. I reckon that we can go back to having no loadouts, scatter some armour abilities around the map and we will have to scavenge for them, and maybe consider making sprint a permanant ability.
  9. Okay Halo 4. Well i would love the story line of this game to be breathtaking, What i would like to see return, the elephant from halo 3, and for it to be forgeable, and i would like to see some simple items from halo 3s forge like barriers and pallets, i missed these in halo reach, also bring back some epic scarab battles and maybe put the scarab in as a useable viechle, no one wouldnt like to drive it. a unsc version of the scarab would be cool but thats up to 343 to decide to add that or not, i would love to have pelicans in multiplayer and forge, and phantoms. also i thought that it would be cool if in forge we could change the theme of a blank map / Desert/ snow/ swamp/ bush/ city/ and the same for the forge objects, also ive heard alot of people asking for AI to be in forge, i would like for 343 to consider the possibility of putting AI into forge, personally i would love to have a map with civilians wandering around while you are playing or maybe even hostiles.
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