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Everything posted by Ob3sity

  1. Sorry, I'll try that again. My frustration came from finishing a 2 rounds of reflection followed by 4 of Asylum. Hi forum, I'm getting bored of the recent repetitivity of SWAT games being 1 of either SB, ASLM & RFTN (99%) of the time. Is it assumption that the maps were removed due to spawn killing/camping complaints? Or is it fact? No matter, the lack of diversity is really frustrating. I always assumed everyone looked at pinnacle and uncaged as maps where you get the chance to develop and utilize your sniper skills. Anyway, they were my favorite 2 maps no matter what color team and really hope developers will offer change of scenery in reach soon.
  2. Bring back uncaged and pinnacle!! Seriously which smartass came up with the idea to listen to the whingers, How EVER could "minus two maps" be a good thing!?? Have some diversity...
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